Life. Love. Food

Red Wine Beef Stir Fry

The day I bought this meat I went to a butchery I have never purchased meat from. For some reason, the butcher was cutting the meat while blocking my view. So I just asked “Hiyo ni fresh?” (Is that fresh?) With slight hesitation, he replied “Hii ni ya leo, tumetoka kuchinja mangombe sahi sahi” (It’s today’s cut, we are just from the slaughter house) But my sixth sense just felt something was off. So I asked him to let me see it before packaging just to confirm if I needed some fat trimmed off. But really, I just wanted to ascertain the condition of the meat. To my dismay, the cut he was about to package for me was green around the edges and literally beginning to decay. I was dissapointed and asked him why he is lying to his buyer. Instead of apologizing, he just said “Wewe utakuwa bibi mzuri kwa sababu haudanganyiki” (You will make a good wife since you are not easily swindled) SMH. Why swindle me in the first place anyway??? Oh, Kenya! I left and bought my meat from another butchery.

A bad experience was compensated for by finally getting beautiful fresh beef which I transformed to this amazing dish. After my chase for fresh meat and a spectacular red wine beef dry fry recipe, the search was well worth it!

how to make dry fry beef_red wine beef dry fry_kaluhiskitcehn.com_kenyan food bloggers

COOK TIME: 35 MINUTES                                        SERVES:3

Red wine beef dry fry ingredients

red wine beef dry fry ingredeints_beef recipes_how to cook meat with red

1/2 a kg of beef, cubed

1 red onion, diced

4 garlic cloves, minced

2 tomatoes, grated

1/4  teaspoon of dried thyme

1/4 teaspoon of dried sage

1 teaspoon of dried pepper

3/4 cup of wine

1/2 red and 1/2 yellow bell pepper, finely diced

Salt to taste



Dice your beef and put it to boil together with the thyme, sage and black pepper. Ensure the water completely dries out so that you still retain the spices. If you prefer to lightly fry the beef as opposed to boiling, do so but add the spices too at this point. In Kenya, majority of us boil the meat before cooking it since the process tenderizes it. Also, compared to frying, boiling does not involve additional fat hence making it the prefered healthier option.

After it is done, set it aside.

boil the beef with the thyme sage and black pepper to allow all this flavor to infuse_kaluhiskitchen.com_red wine beef dry fry

Add the finely chopped onion, the crushed garlic and the peppers in a sufuria with heated oil and allow them to cook until the garlic is fragrant and the onion has softened. I like cutting my peppers really small since that makes the food neater and allows you to have everything in a single bite without being overwhelmed.

red and yellow bell pepper add color to beef recipes and nutrients too_red wine beef dry

how to make a dry fry beef_how to cook with red wine_best kenyan food blog

Add the grated tomatoes and 1/2 of the red wine. Let this simmer for about 3-5 minutes then add your beef. Mix it in and cover with a lid. Allow this to simmer for about 5-10 minutes so that all the flavors marry.

After this time has lapsed, add the remaining wine and mix it in. Give it another 2 minutes then garnish the beef dry fry and serve.

african food bloggers_kenyan food bloggers_red wine beef dry

It is true when they say red wine goes really well with red meat. This beef dry fry is a true testament to that statement. The meat was so soft. The first taste to hit your tongue is that of the dried herbs which perfectly complimented the other ingredients. This gives way to the wine which lingers longer after your first bite.

kenyan food bloggers_red wine beef dry fry_creative beef recipes_easy beef

In typical #KK fashion, this is very easy and very very delicious.

Food bloggers in Kenya_Food Bloggers in Africa_beef recipe by kaluhi adagala of

P.S I hope you are keeping up with this cooking challenge and having fun in the process :))



Download the full recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. Ann Sheila

    I totally love the simplicity of your meals!!!I keep trying and learning new stuff. THANK YOU.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Asante sana! For me, the simpler the better… coz good food can be very easy to make :))

  2. Rosemary Mugwanja

    I love your recipe. ..will definitely try it. ..thanks

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you! I am certain you will enjoy it! :))

  3. Rosemary Mugwanja

    I love your recipe. ..will definitely try it

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you! I am certain you will enjoy it! :))

  4. Immaculate

    This looks delicious, cant wait to try it out!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Be ready for the best culinary adventure of yet! You’ll Love it!

  5. Cheptoo Cece

    That’s the reason why I never buy my meat in any local butchery, since I have been disappointed soo many times. I get my fresh from Nakumatt- south C. No where else. What I do is, If am not certain about the kgs or grams, I ask “Niwekee ya 400 or 500 Ksh. Its much simpler.
    The food looks great.
    “Foodie Heaven:

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Girl!!! Nakumatt is soooo expensive! But on this particular day, I had no choice. I buy from a specific butchery or from city market. Experience was the best teacher! Thank God I listened to my gut…

  6. faith

    ow my! I have been looking for such a blog! your recipes are so simple to follow! I love your work.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Faith!

      Karibu sana to the KK family! I am glad you love my recipes, that means I am doing this right. Hope you try them out too :)))

  7. faith

    ow yes I am. I was never much of a cook growing up and needed recipes. already downloaded 6.

  8. Joy Kiarie

    Seriously this blog is changing my life one recipe at a time.
    Love it!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Awesome!!!! And plenty other things coming up for you guys :))

  9. Betty

    I will have to try it. ASAP. Thank you

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You really should! Looking forward to your feedback!

  10. Jen

    Can you school me in the different types of wine and which one goes with what recipe? I would like to know the type of wine to buy for this recipe to get the best results.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You can use any Sauvignon Carbanet – Dry Red Wine. If I am not wrong, I mentioned that on this post. As for wine, that is a whole other topic on its own, which I am learning as I go along too. You can check out by Jean Wandimi. She knows all things wine. Also, she has conversations revolving wine each Wednesday from 10 am to 12 pm in twitter, you can join and you will learn sooooo much!

  11. Judi

    ….true testament to that statement. Love your blog, trying this tonight.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  12. Nick kithinji

    Awesome will definitely try it.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will love it!!!

  13. Lornah

    This is now my new favorite. Whaaaat. So creative and looks damn delicious. # things I never knew wine could do.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will LOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEE this one!!!

  14. Daisy

    I have to try this too😋

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You most definitely should!!! <3

  15. Hailey

    Hi. What would happen if I used sweet wine?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Wrong flavor profile for something as rich and savory as beef. Kinda like cooking beef with juice…. Just use dry reds boo <3

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