Life. Love. Food

Rosemary and Okra Fried Rice

We ALL have those things we prefer not to eat probably due to some bad food experiences we had in the past. Some time in 2014, I asked my followers on Instagram what they do not like to eat or what they have a hard time making delicious. The answers ranged from beetroot, to matumbo (tripe), to cabbage. One of them pointed out that for them, okra has been so hard to cook since they always find it so flat in terms of flavor and got turned off when it gets kinda slimy. She wondered how some people managed to cook it without it becoming so boring and asked me to help her. I may be over a year late with my response, but trust me, it is worth the wait :))

I made this dish as a challenge to myself and response to the feedback I got upon asking that question. And I love challenges especially when it comes to making something that is healthy but not too appetizing become delicious. Looking for something unique and speedy ? Try this rosemary and okra fried rice.

rosemary and okra fried rice wpre[ared by top kenyan food blogger kaluhi adagala of

PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES           COOK TIME: 20 MINUTES            SERVES:3


how to cook okra_ingredients for rosemary and okra fried rice_fried rice

1 red onion, finely diced

1 cup of rice

5 cloves of garlic, minced

7 okra, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon of dark mushroom soy sauce

1 small carrot, finely chopped

1 teaspoon of finely chopped rosemary

1 tablespoon of garam masala

½ a tablespoon of black pepper



Wash your cup of rice and then put it to cook. Once it is done set aside.

As the rice is cooking, you can begin working on your Okra. Heat some vegetable oil and add to this the finely chopped onion, rosemary and the minced garlic. Cook this until it is fragrant and softened. Add the thinly sliced okra and the carrots. Allow this to cook for around 5 minutes.

cook the spices with the onions so that they break down and develop well_How to cook

Always cut your vegetables into small pieces. Not only will they cook faster this way, but they will make your dish look a lot neater and appealing. Also, it will allow you to have a taste of everything in one bite and that cannot be achieved when veggies are chopped in ginormous ( <— is that a real word?) portions. I purchased my okra from Tuskys Kenyatta Avenue, but you can get them pretty much everywhere else from city stadium market, to nakumatt and probably you local mama mboga too.

slice your okra really thinly so that it cooks faster and does not overwhelm while

I cooked my okra with just onions and avoided tomatoes since I feel that brings out its sliminess. I personally do not mind the slime (take this from a girl who LOVES her murenda) but for most people it is an issue. Use just onions. Also, do not let your okra overcook, once it starts loosing its vibrant green color just know you have crossed the line. Taste it as you go along. Once it is just soft, it is done. Proceed with the next step.

cook the okra together with the carrots until they have just softened_donot overcook yur

Once this is done add your cooked rice and toss it along with the greens. Add your tablespoon of soy sauce and mix it in until evenly distributed. I added rice to my rice while cooking it and I did not see the need of adding anymore. However if you do ot add salt to your rice while cooking it, do the necessary.

mix inthe cooked rice with the vegetables and mix it in until it is evenly distributed_rosemary and okra fried

Add your finely chopped coriander, mix it in then take it from the heat.

add the coriander towards the ende so that it still retains its vibrant green in the rosemary and okra fried

Serve. How easy was that! This is a dish that can be tried out by EVERYONE; it does not matter whether you are a bachelor/bachelorette in university hostels somewhere, a teenager or someone who is generally allergic to the kitchen. It is too easy for you not to ace this.

african food bloggers_kenyan food bloggers_african food_african food recipes_kenyan food

This dish is light yet amazingly filling! It brings you all the awesome nutrients of okra without you even noticing it is there. Plus, It takes such a short time to cook! Tasty, Speedy and healthy = Win! How pretty does okra look though?

kenyan food bloggers_african food bloggers_kaluhi adagala food blogger at

See how you can have a taste of everything in one bite if you cut your veggies small?

kenyan food bloggers_kenyan food_how to make okra delicious_kenyan food

This year, we are trying out new things, yes? Yes! Do give this a try and let me know what you think.



Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Debbie

    This is one of those love or hate recipes, coz of the okra. For me its a love recipe coz I love okra!

    • Joy

      Is okra locally available? Where can I get it?

      • kaluhiskitchen

        It is locally available. I have indicated in the post where I bought mine and where you can get yours. Probably you skipped that paragraph while reading?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I soooo love Okra! It is one of my fave veggies plus its so easy to prep

  2. Femme

    You can also get rid of the sliminess of okra by soaking it salty water or washing the okra with vinegar.

    Thanks for the wonderful recipes

    • kaluhiskitchen

      We learn something new everyday!!!! Thanks for that, I will apply it in my cooking :))

  3. Caroline

    Hi Kaluhi,
    First let me say how much I love love your blog. I tried this dish last night and brought some for my colleagues to try and they love it. First the aroma is amazeballs and the taste is something else. Thanks for this and for boosting my morale. I recently moved to the extreme end of West Africa and suddenly my culinary skills were gone..I didn’t like my food and did not enjoy cooking anymore but here I am. Thanks. 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank youso so much for your feedback. I am glad my blog has added value to your life and that you enjoy the recipes you have tried out.

  4. Irene

    Hi kaluhi, am allargic to the mushrooms, what other soy sause can I put

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Nothing. Soy sauce must be there

  5. Thandizani moyo

    Your recipes are amazing darling

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Than you so much!

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