Life. Love. Food

Smashed Potatoes with Cheddar Cheese Sauce

I always felt it in my gut that 2016 would be a kick-ass year. And it really had kicked off in a kick ass way! I have had the privilege of being featured as the blogger of the month by DSTV kenya. Do spare 3 minutes to watch this video and hope you like it. If that’s not enough, I decided to throw in an awesome recipe you can try too today :))

If you have been reading my blog for a long time now, you know that one of my ultimate culinary role models has always been Siba. I loved her show from the very first time I watched it. And then I watched reruns over and over till I now know all the words. Yes, that how much I love Siba’s table. This recipe was inspired by  this recipe which run in one of the episodes during Season 1 of Siba’s Table. It may not look as pretty as her’s but I can guarantee that my smashed potatoes with cheddar cheese sauce tastes just as great. Easy. Speedy. Delicious.

Kenyan food recieps_african food bloggers_best african food bloggers_cheddar cheese sauce with smashed potatoes_kaluhiskitchen.com_kenyan food bloggers_

COOK TIME: 40 MINUTES                                                                     SERVES: 2


8 new potatoes

1 sprig of rosemary

4 cloves of garlic


For the sauce

1 finger of cheddar cheese grated

1 teaspoon of all purpose flour

1 tablespoon of butter

3/4   cup of milk

1/2 a tablespoon of black pepper



Wash your potatoes and put them to boil together with some salt, the rosemary and the garlic. As that is going, begin working on the cheese sauce.

boiling potatoes with garlic and rosemary makes them alot more tasty and

In a pan, melt your butter and add your flour. Mix this until it becomes thick. Pour in the milk and turn down the heat to low. Let this come to a boil and then add the cheese and the black pepper. Mix it in until it has melted entirely. Remove from heat and serve. This should take 10-15 minutes to get done.

cheddar cheese sauce_homemade grated cheese_cheddar cheese variet available in

how to make a roux_a roux forms a good base for a cheddsr cheese sauce_cheddar cheese sauce by kaluhi adagala of

cheddar cheese sauce by kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_kaluhi adagala_kenyan food bloggers_kenyan food blogs

Check whether the potatoes are done. Once they are tender, smash them up until they have just broken apart but do not make them creamy.

mashing potatoes_smashed potatoes anre more texturesd and rough compared to mashed potatoes which have a creamier texture

Plate them and drizzle the cheddar cheese sauce over them while they are still hot. This allows them to absorb the flavors. Dig in!This goes particularly well with beef stew. That is what I had mine with. But you can also have these with gravy, chicken stew, meat balls or minced meat.

best food bloggers in kenya_african food

This is amazingly different but easy. And I LOVE that. You can have the cheese sauce with any other potato dish to add some savoriness. Cheese makes everything better and my smashed potatoes are no different.

cheddar cheese sauce with smashed potatoes_kaluhiskitchen.com_kenyan food bloggers_

Try something new today. 😉


Download the full recipe here

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  1. Pauline Kitoto

    Hey girl, i love how your recipes are simple and easy to prepare. congrats too on win for being blogger of the month. Quick reminder, please post the recipe for preparing drop scones…as you’d promised on IG. Thanks 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you so much Pauline :)). If I am not mistaken, I indicated on that picture on Instagram that the two drop scone recipes are already on the blog. One is a 2014 recipe and the other a 2015 recipe. Just use the search tab on the blog, type “drop scones” and the two posts will appear.


  2. Wairimu

    Definetely going to try this. Looks heavenly. Cheese makes the world go round. 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Cheese is everything!!! This is a must try for sure!

  3. Jayne

    hi Kaluhi I really admire your cooking and am looking forward to more…just to ask how do you ensure your stew is thick if you are cooking for a large number of people and would love the recipe of coconut beans

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Jayne!

      Thank you for the comliment.

      To answer your question, always add water bit by bit. Never pour a huge amount of water at the same time. Add bit by bit and mix. Once you reach your desired level of thickness, stop adding water. This is the best method to use. Always remember, BIT BY BIT.

      I have a njahi recipe which I cooked with coconut milk. You can use that recipe only replace the njahi with beans but use the exact method.


  4. Spirit

    Congratulations Kaluhi on the DSTV feature. Also, as you mentioned Siba, I wondered if you have had a chance to watch Kenya’s Kiran Jethwa on National Geographics. His show is a mix of African (mostly Kenyan) travel and food and I think the foodie in you would enjoy this show too.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Asante sana! I did watch Kiran Jethwa on Nat Geo. I was so stocked to see Kenya being shown in a different light.

  5. jess

    Hi love your recipes so simple to follow

    .question the potatoes are not peeled?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      No they are not. I sometimes choose not to peel them since the sking itself adds an earthy flavor to the potatoes. But if you prefer to peel them, you are free to do so.

  6. Lois

    Tried this out for lunch today! Dellllllllliiiiiicccciiiiioooouus! was literally on top of the world!
    You are the best Kaluhi…such a simple, heavenly meal 🙂
    Thank God for you 😀

    • kaluhiskitchen

      YASSSSSSSS!!!! So glad you enjoyed this as much as I did. :)))))

  7. Samoina (@Samoina)

    To think you actually met her this year!!!! Wow! Way to go girl. Im here looking at the cheese in the fridge and decided this is today’s recipe

    • Samoina (@Samoina)

      LOL, by her I meant Siba. *guess I said it in my head 😀 😀

      • kaluhiskitchen

        I still cannot believe it to this day!!! Dreams do come true!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This is indeed today’s recipe!!

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