Life. Love. Food

Sweet Potato and Tender Maize Stew

Stews are rather popular in Kenya, probably because they leave room for addition of different food groups into one pot making preparation of a meal faster. As an accompaniment to many dishes, the most common stews here are beef stew and Irish potato stew. However, people are trying out new things, including myself.

I made this sweet potato stew and I was happy to note how delightful and light it was, and this was a much welcome change from the ordinary. This stew is so comforting, every bite feels like you are receiving a huge hug. I used the warm spices of nutmeg and cardamom to elevate the sweet potato flavor. This really is a must-try for everyone.

sweet potato and tender maize stew


sweet potato stew ingredients

2 boiled and cubed sweet potato

1 cob of maize grains, bolied, 1/2 a cup of coconut milk

2 tomatoes, diced

1 onion, diced

Green onion, finely chopped

1 teaspoon of cardamom

1/2 a tea spoon of black pepper

1/2 a teaspoon of ground nutmeg

1/2 a teaspoon of dried sage

1/2 a teaspoon of mustard seeds

1/2 a teaspoon of whole cumin seeds.



Put the sage, cumin and mustard seeds in a heated, un-oiled sufuria and toast the for about 2 minutes. It is the same thing we did here.

roasting cumin and mustard seeds

Then, add your onions, some vegetable oil, allow them to saute until they become soft. Then, add your grated tomatoes. You can add soysauce/ tomato paste for deeper flavor, whichever you have at hand. After about 4 minutes, add your maize and sweet potatoes.

making stew with sweet potato

Then add your, cardamom, nutmeg and black pepper,half of the green onions then mix.

Serve after 2 minutes and garnish with the remaining green onions.


The beauty about this dish is that ingredients, which on their own, have distinct character, come together in harmony and make a spectacular stew. The nutmeg and the cardamom elevate the warmth of the sweet potatoes, the black pepper goes really well with the boiled maize and this is all tied together with the Β green onion.

sweet potato stew with rice

Give this a try πŸ™‚




Ready for a culinary ride? Try this recipe!


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  1. Ciku

    Hi Kaluhi, oh how i LOVE πŸ™‚ your blog.
    I made this dish over the weekend and oh my was it delicious.
    Now, I saw coconut milk in the ingredients but it was nowhere in the instructions.
    Ilipotelea wapi?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Ciku,
      I am happy that you love this blog, and even happier that you gave this a try and loved it. I love sweet potatoes and it is even better that we can have them as a stew.
      Cheers to good food πŸ™‚

  2. Yvonne

    I tried your sweet corn veg rice and everyone loved it. Thanks for helping me out in my kitchen

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yum!! It is one of my all-time favorite recipes by the way coz its easy yet so so good. Glad you enjoyed it Yvonne πŸ™‚

  3. purity

    can I use sweet corn instead of boiled maize?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      yea you can

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