Life. Love. Food

Tag: best kenyan food blogs


I always tell you guys not to get discouraged when you encounter kitchen blunders while cooking. Instead, you should learn from your mistakes, pick your self up, and try again util you get it right. Our mamas did not raise quitters :DD. As someone who cooks all the time, kitchen blunders and horrific recipe disasters happen from time to time. But with time, the frequency of the mistakes lessen since you get to know what works and what doesn’t. Your mistakes only aid in making you better if you choose to learn from them. Let no one lie to you that they never make mistakes in the kitchen. We all do! I showed you some of my massive fails in this post (read it if you haven’t). I stumbled a little bit while making my mahamri too. My first try had me create the hardest, flattest and most hideous mahamri LOL! I then sat down, thought hard and figured out where I went wrong and got it right in my next try. I will take you through how to make bomb mahamri, tell you exactly where I went wrong the first round and make sure you get it right on your first try <3

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Garlic Turmeric Fried Gizzard

I love talking to you guys!  From the absolutely random questions, to the slightly inappropriate hilarious ones, to those from readers who genuinely want to grow their cooking skills. I appreciate your feedback in all forms it comes and  appreciate the connection we have {insert cheesy romantic song in background}. One of my readers once asked me why I do not have a gizzard recipe. I wondered the same, and asked my self why I kept on postponing the recipe. I decided to do one, the first of many I will do, after being inspired by this gizzard recipe from Jay Take a Pic. Our flavors are different, but  both are delicious. So to usher in the weekend, here is my garlic turmeric fried gizzard.

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Ukwaju (Tamarind) Marinated Spicy Chicken Thighs

” Lazima tumake hii tena on Saturday!!!” (We must make this again this Saturday!!!) My youngest sister said after she saw the  sneak peak I shared of this recipe on my Instagram Story on Monday. You guys were equally as excited and looked forward to having this recipe on the blog. I revealed that I had added a little twist to my usual chicken marinade ingredients that my mom taught me and the results were explosively delicious. Since I had some Ukwaju (tamarind) sitting pretty in the fridge, I decided to incorporate it into the marinade; and that has been one of the best cooking decisions I have made in a long time! Supper this past Monday was spectacular!!! And for the sake of my youngest sister, I shall make this once again this coming weekend and have her enjoy the same deliciousness! You should too ;))

For my first recipe this glorious month, I bring you my ukwaju marinated spicy chicken thighs.

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Dirty Diana Cocktail

I did a post on 30 random things about me just over a year ago. One of the things I revealed about myself that very few of you may know is that my first name is Diana. Yes, Kaluhi is my (middle) name too, and the one my readers know me by since I wanted my brand to strongly identify as African from the very beginning. It was just a matter of time before I named one of my recipes after myself; and this cocktail was just too good to name it after it’s ingredients. Dirty Diana. Sounds a bit risque to some, yet peaks one’s interest a little bit. Mystery. Assertion. Power. Does it have anything to do with me? I don’t know 🙂 Let those who know me well decide that *evil grin*

I was home with my youngest sister chatting away about the things we just cannot wait to accomplish this year. And the perfect conversation starter was my Dirty Diana cocktail.  Food is simply a lot more delicious when you can share it with people you love, is it not? Today, I give you this recipe, which I hope to bring you just as much joy and keep you cool as we get into sweltering January. My Dirty Diana Cocktail will take you to the moon and back!

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Chili Coconut Tilapia Masala

I was walking towards our bus stage with my friend one hot humid afternoon after running some errands. We were both quite tired and the heat was not making it any easier. With everything we set out to do complete, all was left to do was to get a meal. And when I am hungry, that is all that occupies my mind. I try as much as possible not to go into a supermarket when hungry, since I end up buying things I do not even like to eat or end up binging of sweet things that I normally wouldn’t have a stomach for. On this particular day however, only one thing was on my mind: fish. I love fish! And for me, that would be the perfect way to end my day and unwind. I quickly made my way to the nearest fish vendor and bought myself some tilapia then rushed home. My Kraving resulted in this very delicious, mind-numbingly good chili coconut tilapia masala. Perfect marriage of flavor; very unexpected, but so delicious!

Proceed with caution though, because my tilapia masala can very easily turn into a very real addiction.


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Passion Fruit Marinated Honey Pork Chops

October has this magic about it. It’s brilliantly sunny days, warm nights and breathtaking jacaranda blossoms enveloping Nairobi make this one of my favorite months. With all these aspects all in one month, this makes it perfect for picnics! What better way to enjoy great weather, appreciate beautiful blossoms and enjoy great company than with fantastic food? My friends and I decided to do just that by hosting a get-together picnic.  Each person was meant to bring a dish of their choice. I decided to make one of two meat dishes: my passion fruit marinated honey pork chops. I was so thrilled with the results and this is one recipe I just had to share with you guys. The passion fruit marinade was so perfect for this! I could hardly keep it together while taking the pictures. I almost ate it all before leaving for the actual picnic LOL! I hope this recipe unleashes one hell of a party on your taste buds as it did on mine!



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Meatball Tikka Masala

I had been thinking about tikka recipes sometime back and I came to the realization that nearly anything can be made into a tikka…Any meat that is! These  meatball tikka masala were totally experimental. My dad suggested we make meatballs coz we had not had them for quite some time so I chose that time to try this out. I was so afraid I would mess up not only because I have not tried this recipe before, but also because I was making a large quantity. Nothing hurts more than making a lot of bad food. Ya relate?

But I thank God for whispering in my ear and heart how exactly I should go about it. These meatball tikka masala were a hit with my family.  Spicy, juicy and delectable. #MUSTTRY for sure!

meatball tikka masala recipe by best kkenyan food blogger kaluhi adagala of

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