Life. Love. Food

Tag: cumin

Creamy Cumin Chicken Linguine

I am a pasta slave! In any and every shape it comes in, I will totally and willfully bow at it’s glory. There are over 350 types of pasta in existence, about 30 being most common, and in this country, Spaghetti is the most common pasta type. Some people say all types of pasta taste the same, but the real ones know each type does taste different and they all bring something different to the table. Each type of pasta tastes different because they carry sauce differently, pair different with specific sauces, must be cooked a certain way for a specific time and the starchiness breaks down different in a mouthful.  My top three favorite types of pasta are penne, lasagna and linguine. And for today, I am letting my queen linguine shine!! I gave you a sneak peak of this on twitter in January and the day is finally here that you too get to indulge in this beauty.

It is saucy, it is creamy, it is rich, it is meaty and it is unforgettable!!

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Chili Cumin Coconut Milk Yellow Bean Stew

I love me some beans!!! I know I say I love everything in the world lol but beans.. Beans! Heh! Beans hold a special place in my soul regardless of the shape and form they come in. I love them in my tacos, I love lots of them in my githeri, I love baked beans as part of my brunch and of course I love a good bean stew. Beans take up flavor so so well and when done right, they slap harder than a sister whose top you wore without their permission!! I have loved yellow beans for a hot minute now and they had to be part of this recipe. My chili cumin coconut milk yellow bean stew is perfect now for the final days of the rainy season and any other time of year as well! Beautiful to look at and without doubt, super duper tasty to have!!

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Cumin Bhajia with Tatziki

In my primary school, we used to wash our classrooms every Friday afternoon before heading home for the weekend. This not only instilled a sense of responsibility and cleanliness in us but made our learning environment a lot more conducive. We would wash our classroom as fast as we possibly could so that we could proceed to play for the rest of the afternoon. When we were released to go home on Friday, my friends and I would walk home instead of taking public matatu transportation. We would indulge in our silly girly musings and pass by some shops not too far from school to buy bhajias. I always made sure to save my 5 shillings so that I did not miss out. To us, this signaled the end of the school week and we ushered in the weekend with the tastiest snacks which were very popular with school going children. The bhajias we bought from the neighbourhood shops were usually served with some chilli powder and/or salt. Today, I went down memory lane and made my bhajia with a cumin infused batter together with the creamiest tatziki dip that’s both easy to make and tasty to have.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

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Matata Meatballs

Sometimes during a busy work week, all I think about is getting back to bed. I get so exhausted that alI think about be it during a break, in my fantasies, while in traffic, is that glorious moment I will finally sink into my cosy bed. I kid you not! With all that fatigue, it usually is difficult to whip up a saucy and memorable meal, hence I settle for whatever is left over, have my dinner and jump to bed.

During the weekends however, I try to break the monotony of the “weekday” meals with something exciting and tantalizing. This week I made my Matata meatballs that usher in the weekend in the most grand scale. Matata is a swahili word meaning disturbance. I named these meatballs ‘Matata Meatballs” because they sure do shake things up but in the most amazing way yet!

Trust me, you will have to eat this three days in a row before you get satisfied!

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