Life. Love. Food

Tag: fish recipes

Fish Sandwich with a Honey Lime Aioli

I am the queen of routine. I flourish most and do my best when I am anchored in routine. I wake up at a specific time, go through my day in a specific way and wind down more or less in the same way. I am very disciplined too, and I think it is because of routine that I had been able to very easily and prosperously work from home long before working form home became a thing. Before the pandemic, people aaaaalways used to ask me what and how working from home really was. People thought I was literally on an eternal vacation. One topic that the pandemic demystified was Working from Home. Because suddenly, a multitude from different fields got to experience what for me, had been normal since 2014. And with that, I have since not been interrogated/mocked about working from home because now the vast majority know and understand you can still be productive from literally anywhere!

Speaking of, I love to break for my lunch at around 2 p.m. I love a light lunch. One of my favorite things to put together that is light, super yummy and unforgettable is my fish sandwich with a honey lime aioli. It is simple to make too and I know you will enjoy everything about this too!

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Garlic and Lemon Fish Curry

I really love fish. I can have it everyday for the rest of my days on earth. Nothing tastes more East African, more Kenyan or more home than some good old fish curry. I have noticed that in the western culinary world, it is almost considered a sacrilege to serve fish with skin soaked in soup, curry or anything else. But for me, I believe there are more than one ways of preparing a meal. Just because a certain part of the world thinks your way is wrong, that will not make your dish any less tasty . Besides, rules were made to be broken. 🙂

The past fish dishes such as this one and this one, I cooked with just fish fillet. However, not every Kenyan can access fillet too often due to its price and scarcity. Today I used a whole, unfilleted fish and I know every single one of you can find this :). This recipe is one you  *MUST* try. Believe me, you will be blown away!

garlic and lemon fish curry

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