Life. Love. Food

Tag: Githeri

Curry & Garam Masala Githeri

I really love githeri!!! Like, really really! I know some of you are reading this thinking I am crazy, or lying, or both :D, but the heart loves what it loves. While some of you totally feel me on this! I know you feel me on the magnificence of githeri! I know you feel me on how seriously it slaps especially when cooked right! I know you understand how perfect it is when served with some delicious, huge, creamy avocado. Githeri is a whole mood! A vibe! A positive state of mind!

I have prepared it in so many different ways in the past- be it with coconut cream, or whole sage and garlic or with ginger and pepper; but whichever way you go, it is always so bomb! For today my curry and garam masala githeri <3

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Coconut cream & Oregano Githeri

My younger sister, Kadesa, finds it so weird whenever I say I am Kraving githeri. She finds it so so so weird that I actually enjoy githeri. She does not find githeri any way exciting because of how frequently we had it in boarding school, same way I deeply dislike cabbage because of high school. Different folks, different strokes, right? I love anything with beans, and githeri is right up there among the things I love! I could eat it everyday of the week! But you know what’s even more exciting? That it can be prepared in 6 million different ways with each recipe bringing out its beauty in a unique, exciting way!

For today, I hope you truly enjoy my coconut cream and oregano githeri as much as I did <3. I made a beautiful short video on the same, but first, lets get into detail!


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Sage and Garlic Githeri

On this day, I was home alone. And when there are few people at home, obviously less food is cooked. The fridge was undergoing its seasonal sparseness and I knew exactly what I wanted to eat: githeri. Yes, I love githeri that much and that is the only meal I wanted. Mum had already boiled some maize and beans and froze them for future use. I defrosted some and prepared one of the best githeri yet. When mum came home she shared some of the githeri I had prepared with her friend, mrs.Kamau, and she tooootally loved this! For the weekend, my mum prepared a larger quantity of githeri but using the same recipe I had developed earlier that week. My sisters who were home over the weekend also really loved this new recipe. Seeing how it was so well received at home, I am certain you will enjoy it too :))

Today, we turn one of my FAVORITE Kenyan delicacies into one unforgettable feast!

githeri_sage and garlic githeri_kenyan food_kenyan

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