Life. Love. Food

Tag: how to cook chicken breast

Sticky Spicy Orange Chicken Strips

I live for easy and delicious platefuls. Some may take longer than most – understandibly – but most of the time, what I love is the reward of delicious food. Be it lunch or supper, I just want my tongue to rejoice! I love me anything chicken and we have done some amazing chicken recipes in the past. The most popular recipe last year was my ginger garlic chicken thigh bake. I mean take a look at this glorious recipe!!! It seems like we are on a amazing-chicken-recipe streak and as I was chowing this down, I hoped that you guys would love it as much as I did and hope to see this recipe in the top 10 at the end of this year when we do our count down.

My sticky spicy orange chicken is unforgettable!

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Lemon Rosemary Chicken Strips

Let me admit: I struggle to make my chicken breast moist. Be it through frying or baking, somedays it comes out nice and juicy, other days it comes out dry. And when I say dry I mean as dry as kuni :DD. It is something I am yet to master, but in the cooking world, one never knows everything and each day is a chance to learn, yes? I still however almost always have chicken breast in my freezer, just in case I need to whip up something in a short amount of time. To go around the problem of dry chicken breast, I always make chicken strips with some kind of sauce. Chicken strips take such a short time to cook and having them drenched in a sauce gives them much needed juiciness. Cooking my chicken  breast this way has never failed me.

Today I give you my third chicken strips recipe; this time drenched in a rich cheesy lemon rosemary sauce. So so easy you can cook it with your hands tied and eyes shut! Lets do this!

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Garlic Chicken Strips in Coconut Sauce

Food unrelated news: I decided to start exercising. For those who know me, they know I am pretty tiny (by Kenyan Standards) but truth be told, I am so unfit. As I am growing older, I feel it is so important to keep my body in the best state, even if I do not gain weight that easily. It has nothing to do with weight, but more to do with simply staying fit. I have been doing core work outs and I feel so sore but soooo good! Goal: These abs. And judging by the way I am going so far, this is within reach. I just hope I won’t give get bored along the way LOL

Anyway, back to business. For today, something rich and savory. This Garlic Chicken Strips in Coconut Sauce is one of those meals you can whip up in just a few minutes but have everyone blown away by how beautifully layered the flavors are.

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Chicken Strips in Orange and Ginger Sauce

I was going through one of the books I jot down recipe ideas so that I do not forget what I feel would work in the kitchen. On the day I  made this, I was going through a notebook I was using in 2014 and came across and orange-ginger sauce I was writing but never completed. The ingredients seem to work in my head, and I had some chicken breast sitting in my freezer so I decided to give it a try.

Mum loved it! Dad enjoyed it too, and my youngest sister described it as a chicken recipe you will never taste anywhere else. Seeing people enjoy my recipes gives me so much satisfaction. I have a feeling you will enjoy this too as much as my fam did :))

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