Life. Love. Food

Tag: Kaluhi Recipes

Raisin Breakfast Scones

I love love love a slow morning!! I am typically a morning person and my weekday mornings always start on 100. My brain is sharpest in the morning and my energy highest and because of that, I ensure that I make the most of my mornings. However on the weekends, I soak into the slowest and most sluggish of mornings. I wake up as late as I feel like. I stay in bed hours after waking. I then drag my feet and make something yummy for myself. I love a breakfast spread that has both sweet and savory picks. For my sweet pick, I often lean toward crepes or a loaf cake; and lately, I have really been into these yummy raisin breakfast scones.

These yellow breakfast scones are pretty common here in Kenya. They typically don’t have raisins, but I love mine with some. Because the Kenyan breakfast typically involves tea, these scones make for the perfect accompaniment. These breakfast scones may be similar to what Americans call dinner rolls.

I hope you love this one!

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Basil Pesto Sweet Sticky Meatball Sandwich

I am writing this blog post from Maragoli. It is dawn and I woke up super early because I did not want to miss sunrise. I sat still in the absolute silence and took in the perfect sunrise. Now it is super bright, the sky brilliantly blue and because it rains every afternoon, the hills are violently green as well. I am in paradise! I am at peace. And at this very moment I am writing this, I am deliriously happy! I really needed to decompress after successfully publishing my second book, and no better place to do so than in my favorite place in the entire multiverse than Maragoli. With the book done, my mind settling and my body rested, it is now time to finally release content I filmed months back, that I know you will surely enjoy!

I have always been a fan of a great sandwich. The possibilities are endless! There is so much you can do, a billion ways you can spin it and so many fun combinations you can come up with. It is because of that that makes their creation process super fun! I loved every single note of my meatball sandwich. They are meaty, cheesy, sticky and balanced out with delicious freshness of by a pesto and some kachumbari.

You will love this beaut!

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Apple Pecan Feta Salad with Zesty Dill Ginger Dressing

I always get super excited when I make a salad because I know it is always going to be bomb AF!!! It has been a minute since I made one with you guys, but better late than never! I had bought some feta some weeks back which I had planned on using in a certain project (I shall be sharing with you guys in 2 weeks) but never got to use. So instead of watching it go bad, it just made sense to have it in a salad. This apple pecan feta salad has all the right flavors! You can get a rainbow of notes which makes every bite even better!

There is a complimentary YouTube video to this blogpost. But before we get into that, let us get into this exciting blogpost.

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Curry Chicken & Bacon Pizza

If there is one recipe that has been requested of me a billion times over, it has got to be how to make pizza! Making pizza is very simple, and most actually do not mind simply buying, but a huge majority would also love to learn how to make some at home. For reasons unbeknownst to me or anyone, I kept postponing, until I simply decided to get it together and post one for you guys!

This post is super detailed and we are going to be making everything from scratch! I will give you all the hacks, let you in on what can be made ahead of time and how you can make this beauty at home. Doesn’t this look fantastic? Let’s get right into it!

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Chai Masala

A perfect mug of chai masala can fix literally anything! There is a comfort that it brings, that reminds you of home. Chai masala is a hug in a mug. Chai masala is fun times with family. Chai Masala is joy in your heart and cozy night in. It is comfort and laughter with your mother. It is magical! In my hearts of hearts, I am a strungi (black tea) girl. However once in a while, I do love me some milk tea and when I do brew a mug, it often is chai masala.

Chai is the Kiswahili word for tea. Chai masala hence means spiced tea. There are a billion variations out there but this particular once I am writing about today is one I have tried, tested and perfected. You will love it just as much!

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Most Spectacular Brownies!

My dad used to drive a deep brown Peugeot 504 in the 90’s. My sisters and I used to call that car brownie. I cannot remember who exactly coined the moniker, but it stuck. “You left your dolls in Brownie.” “My crayons rolled under Brownie’s seats.” “Go grab your coat form Brownie.” And when anyone said Brownie, we all knew it was dad’s car that was being referenced. We enjoyed that car! For all the cosy rides to Maragoli snuggled at the back, to the noisy chatter back home after church to my sister’s and I blacked out on our way home after visiting our cousins, brownie was pretty much central to all that. Brownie served us well, and it was let toward the close of the 90’s.

That story was at the back of my mind as I was filming today’s video. What is an indulgent snack to all, means something entirely different to me as well. With memories of monikers at the back of my mind simmering up top, I made for you Brownies. Real Brownies. These are beautifully indulgent, delicious and a snack you will really enjoy!

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Sweet Chilli Tangerine French Beans

Rest is such an important part of not only one’s well being, but also a fountain to keep the creative juice flow going. Most of the recipes I post are born out of mindless experimentation in my down time, which I later on sharpen, refine and post for you guys months down the line. This sweet chili tangerine french bean recipe is one of those. It was the week before christmas of 2020. The work year had come to a close and the days were long, lazy, brilliantly sunny and sweaty. The mood was festive and the tongue simply demanded new, delicious things to experience. I love a plate with all food groups, each element bringing something to the table. I wanted something zesty, fresh and filling to have with my snapper and rice. My sister had bought french beans which I saw she had no plan on preparing. I just decided to make something exciting out of them. The sweet, hot, salty, nutty, zesty flavor that was borne out of this made this one of the best things I ate last December!

I was excited to share this with you guys last year, and the day is finally here!! You will love this one!

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Lime & Rum Pina Colada

I am generally an outdoorsy person! I love being out and about getting lost in the wild and getting a good sweat while at it. I love keeping fit. I love cycling. I love hiking. I love a brisk walk. I love a great evening run. I just enjoy movement. I have been wanting to incorporate swimming too, but I am not the best swimmer out there. I have also been wanting to learn, but I have kept postponing. However if 2020 taught us anything, it is to live for the now and just do. I will commit (and I will keep you all updated! ). Seeing that it is very hot and beautifully sunny here in Kenya for the next couple of months, I am commiting to having swimming as one of my many activities I enjoy keeping my body fit and my energy levels high.

Outside of activity, these sunny days also call for the yummiest drinks. Sunny days make me happy because sunny weather itself is an embodiment of happiness and joy! To celebrate and enjoy the beauty that gorgeous January is, let us get into my lime rum pina colada! This is my favorite cocktail I have ever made to date and I am thrilled to share it with you guys!

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Garlic Broccoli and Carrot Stirfry

I always remember watching cartoons growing up and I remember broccoli being depicted as a disgusting veggie that everyone hates. Dexter hated broccoli. PowerPuff Girls fought slimy Broccoli aliens. Billy form Billy and Mandy haaated broccoli too. So in my mind, broccoli was not that great of a veggie. That all changed the day I actually gave broccoli a try. I loved them so so much and I that was when my life long love for this gorgeous veggie begun.

We prepare them in a very simple fresh way, which preserves the nutrients of this veggie. You will love this one!

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Chicken Biryani

Good food puts me in an excellent mood! Food is the perfect icebreaker and the perfect conversation starter. Food is comfort. Food makes a road trip more scenic. Food makes a visit more memorable. Yes food is primarily for sustenance, but because we eat everyday anyway, why not make it enjoyable no? And let’s praise the heavens that it is not complicated at all to make delicious, deeply flavorful food!!

Some people may think making chicken biryani is complex, however, that is far from the truth! Flavor packed does not need to unattainable, and I am right here to show you that! I made a goat biryani last year January, and today, we do some bomb ass chicken biryani!!


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Red Cabbage and Orange Fish Salad

I am finding so much joy in making salads nowadays! I love developing my own flavors and putting together fresh ingredients and surprise my pallete. I have gone through fruit seasons, and with that, delicious salads too. For mango season, my mango bacon salad with this bomb mango ginger vinaigrette, for pear season- my pear tree tomato salad with pear ginger vinaigrette. Now that we are smack in the middle of citrus season, let us delve deep into my red cabbage and orange fish salad.

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Thyme & Beer Marinated Mushroom Beef Stew

I had this really fun Konversation on twitter early August about meat marination. I shared how I marinate my different meats and different variations of the same and how I like to switch things up. You can check that #KaluhisKonversation out HERE and if you are not following me on twitter yet, what on earth are you waiting for boo??! What I enjoyed most were the contributions you guys made and I was so blown away by your marinade recipes!!! When I say #KNation has the most creative people, I actually am not lying. From the different sauces you use, different combinations of chillies, spices, different citrus fruits, different dry rubs…you guys are so creative!! And all that marinade talk inspired this recipe.

I decided to make a delicious mushroom beef stew, that had been marinating in my favorite ingredients. It came out so so well and I am beyond sure that you will love this recipe too! The final recipe for my birthday month: my thyme and beer marinated mushroom beef stew.

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Thyme and Garlic Mbaazi

There is ALWAYS more than one way of preparing a dish. ALWAYS!!!! While we may have our personal favorites that we may prefer to stick to for one reason or another, there is no harm in exploring other options. I have always had mbaazi cooked in coconut milk, and I one day wondered how else could I prepare them and still bring out the amazing taste mbaazi inherently has? Coz just like everything else, there is more than one way of cooking mbaazi!! I asked you guys on twitter and my mind was opened up to all the different ways you make them. Velma Kiome (@mzinduzi) loves her’s with courgettes, carrots, matoke or potato, fresh herbs and spices of choice and she prefers that her mbaazi are fresh and green and not the dried kind. Chululups (@miss_patriciah) uses mbaazi instead of beans in her githeri plus with lots of veggie assortment and cooked as a dry fry. She taught me this dish is called Gítherí a njūgū (I love learning from my tweeps! Need to try it out!!). For me, besides having them in coconut milk, I like mine  as a rich stew, similar to a bean stew, but with rich full flavors of  garlic and thyme! Ready to step out of your comfort zone and try out something different? Buckle up!!

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Chili Oregano Kamande

I have always loved kamande. In my opinion, they are low key more lit than ndengu, but because they are slightly more expensive than ndengu they have become a once in a while thing for me. But when I do prepare them, I eat them every single day of the week until they run out.  I grew to love them even more when I used to be in the 8-5 grind. The place I used to work before I took on Food Blogging full time used to give us lunch! Such a blessing that was. On Wednesday, kamande was on the list and served with roti and okra. I lived for this day!! Literally started counting down to lunch time the moment I sat on my desk at 8 a.m. LOL! And I was always first on the queue! No shame 😀

As a celebration of the meal I used to enjoy most at my former work place, I gave kamande some #K treatment. I hope that you too enjoy my chili oregano kamande.

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Coconut Crepes with Passion Fruit Curd

“Absolutely delicious!!!” Those were the first words that popped into my mind after having my first bite of this creation! My eyes widened and my heart raced as I savored the flavors of my coconut crepes with passion fruit curd. I pushed my camera aside and sat on the floor and just finished the first crepe before I got up to get some tea and eat some more. That morning, I had woken up with  a severe Kraving for something sweet after enjoying lots of nyama-choma the past weekend. I just wanted something sweet so my mind went to work. I remembered taste a lemon curd I had at my friend’s place and I decided to make one but with passion fruit. To make my breakfast even more delicious, I decided to make crepes and add some desiccated coconut which I have lately been loving as an ingredient of late.Also, I am more of a crepe girl than a pancake girl :)). Have you ever made something for the very first time from the top of your head and shocked yourself with the amazing outcome? This was one of those days for me! I am sooooo excited to share this recipe with you, since you too can make this masterpiece and experience fantastic flavor with ingredients that are readily available to you.

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