Life. Love. Food

Tag: kaluhi’s recipes

Pork Ribs Choma with Mango BBQ Sauce

The school holidays are upon us and that means, those of us with siblings, the house is fuller, warmer and of course, noisier LOL! And as expected, one of the highlights of being back home is enjoying all the fantastic home food that cannot be recreated anywhere else. Remember how that was the ultimate joy of being home back during our boarding school days?? For my younger sisters who are home for the holidays, that is their MAIN joy of being home. I can’t blame them! They literally have a mental list of the things we (read my mum and/or me) need to make! One of my younger sisters was doing her rounds on Instagram and saw some pork ribs and decided that is what we MUST make during the weekend. Being the sweet, nice (sometimes overbearing, controlling, bossy) elder sister, I decided that Easter Sunday would be pork Sunday. Boy! Wasn’t I glad that my sister’s Kraving pushed me that direction! I gave you a sneak peek on my Twitter and Instagram and decided to give you this recipe today as opposed to next week because it is too bomb to hold on to any longer! For this glorious Friday: Some pork ribs choma with mango BBQ sauce.

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Cumin Chicken and Mushroom Fried Rice

I absolutely love mushrooms!!! I can have them during all mealtime and I enjoy how easily they can be incorporated into nearly any dish you want!! I was deep in my love affair with mushrooms as I told you on twitter when I decided to make this recipe. It turned out way better than I had imagined and my mom really really enjoyed my cumin chicken and mushroom fried rice. And in my book, if mom  loves it, you know it is really good!!

Before we get into it, I would like to thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for your support and encouragement through the years up until my being part of “Beyond The Plate: Best Food Blogs From Around The World”.  You are appreciated and I am where I am because of you! Thank you for all the warm comments and good vibes you all sent my way!  {{{*HUG*}}}

Now, let’s get into this bomb recipe!!

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Mbaazi wa Nazi

If I can close my eyes and really focus, I can clearly hear it. I can here the sound of the soft ocean waves breaking on the white sandy beach. I can almost smell the aroma of white jasmine flowers that have littered the lawn after a night of drizzle. I can almost feel the warmth and here the chatter of the townspeople as I scavenge the Lamu streets for my spices. If I close my eyes and really focus, I can feel the slow drift of the dhow at sunset. Nothing beats that experience!! I can taste the salt of the sea on my lips. I can taste all the delicious food they used to make for us. I can feel the sand on my toes; whose toe nails by now have the most hideous chipped nail polish as a result of spending too much time in the water. But who cares? Life in Lamu is about savoring moments that matter, not about seeking fleeting perfection. I often miss Lamu, more so when the pace of Nairobi threatens to bury me. But now that I cannot go to my special place at the moment, I will bring it to me through one of the dishes we had there alot: mbaazi wa nazi (pigeon peas in coconut milk). I hope when you take a bite of this dish, close your eyes and reeeeeaally focus, you will be on the beaches of Lamu with me eating good food all day long. Coz that’s what life should be about :DD

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Mango Melon Mocktail

Nairobi heat can make you question your entire existence. I love sunny weather that Jan-Feb-Mar brings, but once it turns torturous, I start questioning my own likes LOL. On the day I made this drink, I was having one of those unlucky-stuck-in-the-sun days. I had forgotten my hat at home, neither did I have an umbrella since I left it after I had switched bags that same morning. So that meant I had to do my errands in the sun. The matatu I boarded to get me home only had empty seats on the sun facing side. So after roasting in the CBD, I further baked away in the matatu. The stretch between my bus stage and home is 20 minutes apart, and much of the walk has no shade, so yes, I arrived home severely roasted and 60 shades darker. All I wanted was to shower and gulp down something refreshing and energizing. Because we had plenty of fruits home that day, I decided a mocktail was due. And boy didn’t I enjoy every eager gulp of this!!! As we enter the final weeks of mango season, please make and enjoy my mango melon mocktail. You deserve it!! <3

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Garlic Turmeric Fried Gizzard

I love talking to you guys!  From the absolutely random questions, to the slightly inappropriate hilarious ones, to those from readers who genuinely want to grow their cooking skills. I appreciate your feedback in all forms it comes and  appreciate the connection we have {insert cheesy romantic song in background}. One of my readers once asked me why I do not have a gizzard recipe. I wondered the same, and asked my self why I kept on postponing the recipe. I decided to do one, the first of many I will do, after being inspired by this gizzard recipe from Jay Take a Pic. Our flavors are different, but  both are delicious. So to usher in the weekend, here is my garlic turmeric fried gizzard.

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Mango Ginger Pancakes

I love making pancakes, not because they are easy to make (but that’s def part of the reason ;)), but because they take up flavors so well and leave plenty of room for experimentation. For these pancakes, I made them with the flavors I enjoy most in my cocktails: mango, cardamom and a hint of ginger. I did not foresee the warmth and explosiveness that I experienced, and for sure I must try this out soon once again. Nothing makes my breakfast more thrilling than knowing what I am going to eat has a combination of my three favorite flavors: sweetness of mango, very subtle warmth of ginger and spiciness of freshly crushed cardamom. Bite after warm flavorful bite and an empty plate later, my pancakes fit tightly but happily in my tummy. I gave one more thanks to the Lord above for a beautiful breakfast and gratefulness for a high metabolism. The best way to start your day is with some good food right? Make sure it my mango ginger pancakes!

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Ukwaju (Tamarind) Marinated Spicy Chicken Thighs

” Lazima tumake hii tena on Saturday!!!” (We must make this again this Saturday!!!) My youngest sister said after she saw the  sneak peak I shared of this recipe on my Instagram Story on Monday. You guys were equally as excited and looked forward to having this recipe on the blog. I revealed that I had added a little twist to my usual chicken marinade ingredients that my mom taught me and the results were explosively delicious. Since I had some Ukwaju (tamarind) sitting pretty in the fridge, I decided to incorporate it into the marinade; and that has been one of the best cooking decisions I have made in a long time! Supper this past Monday was spectacular!!! And for the sake of my youngest sister, I shall make this once again this coming weekend and have her enjoy the same deliciousness! You should too ;))

For my first recipe this glorious month, I bring you my ukwaju marinated spicy chicken thighs.

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Honey Whiskey Masala Fries

If you love potatoes, you know very well when that craving (or should I say Kraving;))) kicks in, you just cannot shut it down! It is like that itch that you just cannot ignore, or satisfy by scratching indirectly. You have to go all in and satisfy it. When I had one of such kravings a few weeks ago, I decided to make fries. I rarely eat fries, but when I do, especially at home, I like to make it worth while and usually, that involves making masala fries. Including this one, so far as at 2017 we ahve three masala fries recipes on this blog. I made this first masala fries recipe in 2015 (check it out if you have not and please forgive my photography skills back then I was struggling :DD), this other one that everyone loves that has garlic and rosemary as the main flavor notes and today’s recipe takes it all to a stratospheric level!! No mediocre! Because as you know you know, with K, things are always FIRE!!

Today we have the most perfect Friday/ weekend recipe: Honey Whiskey Masala Fries

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Rosemary and Egg Plant Fried Rice

You know, I do not believe in the concept of ‘Njaanuary‘. Njaanuary is a Kenyan term (that directly translates to ‘Hunger January) used to describe apparent financial strain and destitute brokenness that people seem to undergo every January, and funny enough, will experience it every first month of every year as long as they live . For me, if you spend frugally in December, you just can’t be dead broke and struggling in January. Yes, you can enjoy your December holidays, but with prudence, good planning and with the future in mind. Please dear readers, don’t make finishing all your money in December a habit, pretty please <3.  One thing I agree however, is after the holidays, our fridges are packed with left overs from the festivities. I shared one left over recipe with you last week that you can check out here. Left overs too do not indicate brokenness nor are they bad to have, but just encourage a culture that is not one of wastefulness. I love the prospect of revamping left overs since you can literally make anything! And the aspect of developing a new dish from one that was already complete is pretty exciting! I made this rosemary and eggplant fried rice a couple of weeks ago for my younger sisters before they reported back to college life. They loved it! It was soooo easy to make, very light and delicious too. Have some left over rice in your fridge? Let’s go on a kitchen adventure :))

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Mango & Cardamom Lassi

One of the things I will eternally love about December is that it marks the commencement of my favorite fruit season: mango season. And by this poll, Mango season is definitely your favorite fruit season too! I think if there is one fruit I can live on for the rest of my life, it would be mango. I love this fruit, not only because of its ability to take up other flavors so well, but also because of it’s versatility. My sisters call me ‘mama maembe’ (mother of mangoes) because of my absolute love for this fruit. And quite frankly, I do not mind that moniker :DD

To kick off the  mango season this time round, I have made an absolutely luxurious mango lassi with warmth of whole cardamom and a hint of sweet malt. As fully get into hot afternoons, clear skies and sunglasses weather, my mango and cardamom lassi is just perfect for every occasion and every mood!


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