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Tag: Kenyan Breakfast

Iliki and Lemon Zest Mitai

Most times when I try out a new recipe, I surprise myself at how fast I ace flavor combinations at first try. Other times, oh Lord, the struggle is very very real! You see, when one is conceptualizing and developing completely new recipes, the result can very easily go south. The first time I tried making mitai with my own twist, they turned out so badly. But I excused it as my first try and just let it slide. I tried again the second time, and the outcome was even worse. They looked like little rocks from a plateau in hell *wipes tear*. By that point, I had enough for the day, so I wrapped things up and prepared for my weekend. I was done :(. After an amazing weekend, enough rest and recharging, I made adjustments to the original recipe for the third time, gave it another shot and guess what, my mitai turned out SO SO WELL!! To you too, when you cook things you haven’t tried before, you will fail sometimes. It is normal! Don’t just give up and run away from the kitchen forever. It happens to everyone!! Give yourself sometime, find where you went wrong and try again. I am sure you were’t raised a quiter, so keep at it.

Now, let’s get to it!!!

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I always tell you guys not to get discouraged when you encounter kitchen blunders while cooking. Instead, you should learn from your mistakes, pick your self up, and try again util you get it right. Our mamas did not raise quitters :DD. As someone who cooks all the time, kitchen blunders and horrific recipe disasters happen from time to time. But with time, the frequency of the mistakes lessen since you get to know what works and what doesn’t. Your mistakes only aid in making you better if you choose to learn from them. Let no one lie to you that they never make mistakes in the kitchen. We all do! I showed you some of my massive fails in this post (read it if you haven’t). I stumbled a little bit while making my mahamri too. My first try had me create the hardest, flattest and most hideous mahamri LOL! I then sat down, thought hard and figured out where I went wrong and got it right in my next try. I will take you through how to make bomb mahamri, tell you exactly where I went wrong the first round and make sure you get it right on your first try <3

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Lime Poppy Seed Drop Scones

In our neighborhood, we usually have annual or bi/annual neighborhood get-togethers. One home volunteers to host the entire street for an afternoon of great company, catching up from our otherwise busy lives and also to indulge in some great food in community. Not to be picky, but their is this one home I never ever miss when they are the hosts. The lady of that home is called Violet but we call her Aunty Vio, because in Kenya, anyone who is not you mother is your aunt by default. Let me tell you, Aunty Vio can make one mean banquet. She does not joke around when it comes to hosting ; from the tender marinated meats, to the freshly baked moist cakes, to the array of fresh salads, and hearty starches. It would be mean to say I attend just for the food and not the company, LOL, but as a foodie, food is a huge part as to why I never miss out on the get-together when Aunty Vio is hosting. One of my favorite cakes that she usually bakes is her lemon poppy seed cake. She gets it right! From the texture and moistness of the cake, to the flavors, to the frosting. It is always a hit!! I make sure to get a huge slice each time and sneak some back home with me, in true Kenyan fashion, for post party indulgence. Do I sound greedy? Well, maybe I am :DD

With these memories as the back drop, I decided to make drop scones, one of my favorite breakfast recipes with a hint of  my favorite cake flavors. I substituted lemons for limes, but either way, they were super duper delicious. Can’t wait for you guys to try this out!!

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Fried Nduma with Crunchy Bread Crumb Crust

Have you ever eaten something after years of resistance and wondering why it took you too long to try it? That was me with nduma. Just like I did matumbo, I would avoid putting it in my mouth at all costs for reasons unbeknown to me. But when I finally did, I can not have enough. Nduma are what we Kenyans refer to arrow roots.  They are super duper nutritious and taste so good. Thank God I got over my senseless fear,LOL.

At home we usually just have them boiled. But I have been encouraged by numerous people to try them fried. Everything fried is tastier after all, so I decided to give this a try. To add to the texture, I coated the nduma with breadcrumbs, seasoned lightly with nutmeg which  transformed this to the most glorious breakfast meal. My tongue has never been as delighted! Yours will be too, promise!

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Poached Eggs with chunky Tomato Salsa

I like having my eggs in different kinds of ways. Poached eggs are very popular globally but I have never tired them just due to one reason. Fear. Fear of all that wetness and liquid yolk which I personally do not find appealing. While that is what excites most people, for me, that made me stay clear of poached eggs. But I decided to take the plunge after realizing that maybe it is not that bad after all. I did and I was so impressed. When I was doing my online research, I got the implication that making poached eggs is so complicated. But I found that not to be true. All you need is your ingredients, and an eager heart :). Hope you enjoy this to the max as much as I did.

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