Life. Love. Food

Tag: Kenyan Food Blogs (Page 1 of 3)

Mushroom & Sausage Egg Muffins

One thing I love more than an early morning during the work week is a late – super late – and super slow- morning during the weekends. A slow morning allows you to take in the beauty of the day. The slower pace of things allows your spirit to merge with the wave of time and ride it. Slow mornings allow you to taste the sweetness of the songbirds. As someone who really goes hard during work weeks, slow weekend mornings are a much welcome relief and calm sweetness. It also allows me to really take time and eat yummy things; and yummy things need not be complicated ones.

One of my current weekend favorites are my mushroom and sausage egg muffins. All my favorite yummy things are things are packed in these little beauties. They are the perfect savory bite, super simple to prepare and a true joy to have!

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Sticky Pork Ribs with Mango BBQ sauce

Long time no post!! Hey my love! How has your year started off? Mine has been slow and fast-paced in equal measure. But so far, I am feeling optimistic about 2023. Life, as we all know, will always hand us near equal amounts of woe and joy. But last year – for me – was almost all woe. It was a heavy year, one whose darkness nearly wore me down to the bone. It ground my feet into pulp but now I am slowly regaining my footing. Laughter is returning to my lips. Calm is returning to my soul. I still have a lot to remedy, but I have hope that soon the sun will shine on my face and joy shall be a regular in my days. Hope. That is what I am feeling. Hope that things will be better. Hope that things will be stable. Hope that love will balm my scars and offer me a steady ground to once again take root in. And in the theme of getting back into the swing of things, let’s kick of 2023 with one of my favorite things I have eaten this far!

I have filmed so much content, so much so that it can last till the last quarter of this year. This was among the last one’s I filmed but I just had to bump it and post it as the first of the year. It captures both the glory of mango season and the perfection of baby back ribs. You will fall in love with this one!

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Back To Basics – Crepes

Weekends at home have often started with hearty breakfasts. It would be anything really but it would always be super special. I specifically love it when mom makes drop scones. I swear no one does it better than her!! My elder sister does make the best crepes. Well I do too, but I prefer sleeping till 11 a.m. and not have to cook too early in the morning lol. We are now grown and we all participate in the breakfast process, we all contribute in different ways. Think kebabs or samosas or pancakes or loaf cakes… it could be anything. And in my home, I now also make sure that weekend breakfasts are just as yummy. If you follow me on Twitter, you know crepes often feature. And upon your request, today we are going to do the foundational crepe recipe which I hope you will really enjoy!

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Breakfast Sandwich

I love a slow morning. I love mornings that are not rushed; mornings that are still, that are sunny, that allow you to soak in everything and just be. Such mornings are made even better by amazing food. Be it a solid breakfast or a boozy brunch. I love all kinds of sandwiches and breakfast sandwiches are among my absolute favorites because they are not only filling but are super hearty, have lots of character and are extra filling too.

I have been making this exact breakfast sandwich for myself for the past couple of weeks and decided to share the simple recipe with you guys so that you too can enjoy this beaut at home! I can’t wait for you to give this a shot!

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Garlic Thyme Mala-Marinated Mbuzi Dry Fry

I have always loved mbuzi (goat). It remains among my top five favorite meats to have! I love how Kenyans always have some during literally any celebration, and also during just-because moments. It takes up flavor so well and any chance I get to make some, I dive head first. On the day I made this, my soul was restless and the only thing it craved was some mbuzi. So I had to make it good good and honey it was worth my time!

This recipe is very simple. It brings out the full flavor of the mbuzi all the while allowing all the ingredients used therein to really shine! You will love this beaut so so much!

Mbuzi dry fry is the best way to enjoy goat meat. Slow cooked, super tender and really flavorful as a result

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Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Kuku Kinyeji

I cannot begin to explain how fast December melted right through my fingers. For me, it has been my most intense, most fast paced month of 2021. One minute it was 1st, the next, it was 2 days to Christmas. What a ride! I have had the highest highs, and my lowest lows were definitely this month too. Even then, I celebrate the silver linings.

We are smack in the festive season and it cannot be complete without a delicious chicken dish to bring all of us together. There are billions of ways to prepare and enjoy chicken,  however one that always speaks to my soul is kuku kienyeji. I love my kienyeji and to me, it is the taste of home. For this Christmas season, I hope you get to enjoy my roasted garlic and rosemary kuku kienyeji.

This post is in collaboration with Kenchic Limited and I have a massive giveaway for you guys!

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Nutmeg and Cinnamon Blueberry French Toast Casserole

I love me a great brunch! I love waking up late, staying in bed for an hour, dragging myself around the house for yet another hour then dressing up and going out for a fantastic brunch with friends. Since the pandemic started, I personally have been eating out aloooot less. I never used to eat out that much to begin with, but the pandemic truly slowed me down significantly. That however does not mean I don’t do my brunches at home. I love brunch at home because I can customize what I want according to what my palate wants. I love a mix of savoury and sweet, but more of the former than the latter. This nutmeg and Cinnamon blueberry French toast casserole is a star and makes for the perfect brunch dish.

She is fruity. She is boozy. She is spicy. And she is your next addiction.

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Super Herby Creamy Mushroom Linguine

Every time I do a pasta post I have to start by reminding you guys how obsessed I am with every single pasta dish in the world! This is no different, so here goes: “Hi! My name is Kaluhi Adagala and I am a dedicated, toxic, overbearing member of pasta-hive and I adore it in every single form!” There are so many ways to prepare pasta. And as we discussed in this post, there are nearly 300 types of pasta, each with it’s own kataste, and each with best ways of preparing. I had some linguine in my pantry and some mushrooms in my fridge so it was just natural for me to whip up this perfect creamy beauty.

This super herby creamy mushroom linguine is one of my favorite quick lunches for a quiet weekend afternoon paired with a chilled glass of chardonnay. I love it when I want a quick, filling yet tasty dinner on a weeknight. I love it when I have a guest briefly dropping by. It is perfect and I know you will love it just as much as I do!

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Rosemary Mint Marinated Lamb Stew

One of my highlights of 2016 that I told you of in this post was my visit to Johannesburg with Google Africa. I had always wanted to visit South Africa, and having this chance to experience Johannesburg was one week I will live to remember. Besides their absolutely rich culture, vibrant people and amazing weather (just like Nairobi’s <3), I totally loved their food! From the familiar like moqhoudu, which is known as matumbo to Kenyans, I absolutely loved bobotie, sosaties, milk tarts and everything else. I loved eating salmon and litchi every morning. We also had lots of lamb and oxtail while down south. My favorite dish was a lamb stew we had at Vuyo’s; it was stewed with rosemary and I loved it!!! I ate the most that day (as usual LOL!) but I couldn’t help myself.  With inspiration from that unforgettable week in the Rainbow Nation,I decided to recreate this dish based on the flavor notes my palate could remember, the ingredients I had and of course with a twist of my own. I was more than satisfied by the outcome and I hope you enjoy my rosemary mint marinated lamb stew as well :))


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Mango Ginger Pancakes

I love making pancakes, not because they are easy to make (but that’s def part of the reason ;)), but because they take up flavors so well and leave plenty of room for experimentation. For these pancakes, I made them with the flavors I enjoy most in my cocktails: mango, cardamom and a hint of ginger. I did not foresee the warmth and explosiveness that I experienced, and for sure I must try this out soon once again. Nothing makes my breakfast more thrilling than knowing what I am going to eat has a combination of my three favorite flavors: sweetness of mango, very subtle warmth of ginger and spiciness of freshly crushed cardamom. Bite after warm flavorful bite and an empty plate later, my pancakes fit tightly but happily in my tummy. I gave one more thanks to the Lord above for a beautiful breakfast and gratefulness for a high metabolism. The best way to start your day is with some good food right? Make sure it my mango ginger pancakes!

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Ukwaju (Tamarind) Marinated Spicy Chicken Thighs

” Lazima tumake hii tena on Saturday!!!” (We must make this again this Saturday!!!) My youngest sister said after she saw the  sneak peak I shared of this recipe on my Instagram Story on Monday. You guys were equally as excited and looked forward to having this recipe on the blog. I revealed that I had added a little twist to my usual chicken marinade ingredients that my mom taught me and the results were explosively delicious. Since I had some Ukwaju (tamarind) sitting pretty in the fridge, I decided to incorporate it into the marinade; and that has been one of the best cooking decisions I have made in a long time! Supper this past Monday was spectacular!!! And for the sake of my youngest sister, I shall make this once again this coming weekend and have her enjoy the same deliciousness! You should too ;))

For my first recipe this glorious month, I bring you my ukwaju marinated spicy chicken thighs.

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Honey Whiskey Masala Fries

If you love potatoes, you know very well when that craving (or should I say Kraving;))) kicks in, you just cannot shut it down! It is like that itch that you just cannot ignore, or satisfy by scratching indirectly. You have to go all in and satisfy it. When I had one of such kravings a few weeks ago, I decided to make fries. I rarely eat fries, but when I do, especially at home, I like to make it worth while and usually, that involves making masala fries. Including this one, so far as at 2017 we ahve three masala fries recipes on this blog. I made this first masala fries recipe in 2015 (check it out if you have not and please forgive my photography skills back then I was struggling :DD), this other one that everyone loves that has garlic and rosemary as the main flavor notes and today’s recipe takes it all to a stratospheric level!! No mediocre! Because as you know you know, with K, things are always FIRE!!

Today we have the most perfect Friday/ weekend recipe: Honey Whiskey Masala Fries

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Garlic and Cumin Njahi Stew

I always enjoy getting different opinions from my readers concerning all matters food. Not only does it let me know what we like, but also makes me even more aware of how different we all are and how interesting our personal preferences are. I especially love getting opinions from my twitter audience since they  are refreshingly honest and quite funny too. I once had a series under my usual #KaluhisKonversations (check out that hashtag if you have not :))) where we spoke about njahi and why some people may not like this bean, and how you can make it better overall. I touched on this recipe I made over a year back. Those who love njahi were all into it and those who did not, were definitely won over. With our rainy season in full gear, I decided to make another njahi stew recipe, this time round with bold, very expressive flavors. Be ready to explore new flavors and try new things, because my garlic and cumin njahi stew is nothing short of delicious!


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Caramelized Cinnamon Banana Stuffed Crepes

I love a good brunch dish. One that is so rich, and so flavorful and one that literally sings to the deepest part of your soul. My friend Soni always says, brunch is not a time of day, but an experience. And I have to say, I agree with her. She loooooves brunch, and really takes in every moment and savors all the delicious things that most brunch banquets have to offer. A little bit of sweet. A little bit of savory. For me, during most brunches, I find myself gravitating more towards the sweet. Considering tomorrow is another glorious weekend, and most of us will be sleeping in. It would be an absolute delight to have something very delicious to wake up to! I have always loved crepes, because they double as both a breakfast dish and a dessert dish and no way to bring this together than in this brunch dish! A word of caution though: My caramelized cinnamon banana stuffed crepes may just end up being one of your top addictions!


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Mint Strawberry Posset

The past week had been a huge adventure!!!! We first visited Anfield in Liverpool for a live Liverpool vs Manchester United match courtesy of Guinness. The next two days we spent in Dublin, Ireland which has become one of my favorite places to be. Besides the genuinely nice people, I loved getting immersed in the history of the city which is well preserved and proudly shown off. This too was the case at the Guinness Storehouse where we managed to learn the history of Guinness beer, its introduction into various markets, especially the Kenyan one, how the beer is brewed and various foods that can be prepared with the brew. What struck me was how seamlessly Guinness can be used to bring out flavors in both sweet and savory dishes; something most beers cannot really emulate.

I was telling my younger sister about my Dublin adventures and she was particularly curious by how an assertive beer would taste in a sweet dish. I decided to give her a taste and she was absolutely blown away with how delicious my minty strawberry posset, laced with Guinness was. She is such a sweet tooth, and this dessert completely won her over to team Guinness!! It was over in minutes!!! And that is always a good sign as to how good the dish tastes. This sweet chilled treat is perfect for sunny Nairobi. So easy to make and unforgettable to have!


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Thorn Melon & Apple Smoothie

Over the past month, my body has been feeling very lethargic. I stopped exercising and that is not something I am proud to admit. Despite being relatively tiny, exercise and clean eating is still very important. And when my body started slowing down, I knew exactly what it needed and what was missing: More fruits more vegetables, and daily exercise even just a little bit. Someone once told me I do not need to exercise or eat clean because my very high metabolism keeps me slim. But exercise and clean eating is not about loosing weight only (one of the many peculiar beliefs of Kenyans), but more about feeling good and having your body perform in its best possible state. Yes, it is ok to indulge once in a while coz YOLO, and it is also ok to cut back and show your body some love. To do that, I made a really refreshing green smoothie: my thorn melon and apple green smoothie that has become one of my favorites! I just had to share the recipe with you and hope your body will enjoy it as well. Cheers!!


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Chicken Bacon Knockout Burger

After posting my Triple D drumsticks, and the amazing buzz it created online, EVERYONE just couldn’t wait to try that recipe out. And majority just wished they could simply appear infront of them. My elder sister, Sieva, who was away for work sent me a quick message telling me she would love to have those when she came back home after seeing them on my Facebook page. Since I couldn’t make that particular recipe at the time, I decided to work on my next bomb Guinness recipe which she would feast upon: my chicken bacon knockout burger. Growing up with siblings, when there is something tasty you are planning to feast upon, you have to hide it so that no one else eats it. I forgot to hide Sieva’s  burger and sure enough, my other sister Kadesa ate it. I should have recorded the look on her face when she sank her teeth into it…priceless! Burger ecstasy! And a stamp of approval for another aced recipe!

These burgers have everything you could ever want in the perfect burger: a moist patty, lots of cheese, a rich unique sauce and of course, bacon. Can you handle this knock out ;))? You better!


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Coconut Banana Frozen Yoghurt

One of my favorite textural contrasts when it comes to food is having a mix of smooth and crunchy or soft and crunchy. It really does make the whole eating experience a lot more exciting. Eating is more than just to get full but also a dance of the senses. The more senses involved, the better the experience. For me, texture plays a key role in that.

For today’s recipe we shall be playing with crunchy and smooth textures. As part of Onja bloggers monthly posts, this month’s theme is texture.  An easy silky luxurious banana and coconut frozen yogurt recipe is what I have for you today, and of course in true K fashion, simple, but exploding with flavor 🙂


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The Triple D Drum Sticks

I love a dish that has a ton of character and flare to it. My triple D Drumsticks has to be one of those; Delicious. Daring. Dark. At triple dose of  juicy goodness in each meaty bite. Easy to make yet with such beautiful culmination of flavors, these drumsticks will change your life for ever! And you know when I say that, I actually mean it ;))

I was home alone while making these, and I gave you a sneak peak on my InstaStory mid last week. Lord God! These were really good! So many of you asked for the recipe, and the day is finally here that I get to share it with you. I was kinda broke but had to make enough so that when my sisters came back home they would a taste of my best drumstick recipe yet. Food is simply a lot more delicious when you can share it with people you love, is it not? Today, I give you this recipe, which I hope to bring you just as much joy. My Triple D Drumsticks are exactly how delicious chicken should taste like and made even more spectacular with a dark rich garlic stout BBQ sauce that has the most daring of all flavors. Buckle up! This will take you to the moon and back!


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Cheesy Guinness Beef Samosas

“Tuko hapa Nyayo, umepika?” (“We are at Nyayo. What have you cooked?”) I hesitated to answer the question. I knew I had nothing ready, yet my impromptu guests were not too far off. My mum would literally slash my head off my shoulders if she found out people came home and left without something memorable in their bellies, even if the guests were mine and not hers, LOL! You see, there is a certain pressure that comes with being a food blogger. Everyone expects an elaborate banquet each time they visit your home, regardless of whether or not you are tired or you have been surviving on (delicious!) left overs. We all have those times when we just have nothing grand to present, regardless of whether you are Siba or Kaluhi. But in an African home, when guest come knocking, you have to provide. And as a food blogger, you just have to pull all the stops. I just had to deliver. #pressure

Since I was a bit time strapped & feeling a bit lazy yet still excited to have my friends over, I just had to make it work. I decided to make my cheesy Guinness beef samosas. I took an ingenious shortcut along the way, but I was sure using my Guinness and part of adding flavor to my samosa filling would be dynamite!!! As you all know, I always go an extra mile :)). These were cleared so fast coz they were just that good! Thinking about something to ring down the weekend? This is it, baby!

guinness recipes_samosa recipes_kenyan food_cheesy guinness beef samosas_How to make samosas_how to cook with

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