Life. Love. Food

Tag: Kenyan Food Blogs (Page 2 of 3)

Iliki & Coconut White Chocolate Trufles

White. A color that represents innocence and purity. Or at least that is what we have been conditioned to believe LOL. Perception. It has a strong influence on our entire outlook and even decisions. Why cant blue represent innocence and green represent purity? I have realized this past weekend how much we have been conditioned to think. And I am bit by bit breaking away from it and deciding whatever it is I want to represent for me.

When it comes to white food, it can easily be thought as bland. White may invoke feelings of single note flavors. Think Ugali kavu or plain rice.  But white food or snacks can just as easily delicious. As I always say, it is all about making the right combinations. This month, the Onja food bloggers challenge was ‘white’. Let me not lie, it was a challenge indeed. I decided to break the mold and make something delicious, full of flavor and easy to make. Today I give you my nutty coconut white chocolate trufles.

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Green Mango and Ginger Cocktail

Whenever mom comes back to Nairobi form her trips out west, she usually brings with her a bounty of goodies. For her most recent trip, she brought with her plenty of green mangoes, which are among my favorite kind of mango due to their very sweet unique taste. I shared this story with you guys on Instagram on Sunday as I pondered on what I would make with the newly brought fresh produce.

I decided to make a cocktail. All the flavors in this green mango and ginger cocktail married beautifully and exploded with such fullness with each seep. And in true K fashion, it so easy to make and delivers on taste too :)).

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Amarula and Lime Zest French Toast

Am I the only one who cooks according to their mood? Sometimes I just want something rich and sweet sometimes laziness doesn’t even allow me to step next to the cooker and I settle for leftovers. On this day, I was feeling the former. I woke up with the sole goal of having something absolutely delicious for breakfast. And since I had nothing sweet ready for me, that meant some experimentation and lucky for us, a new recipe :)) Side note: Have you subscribed to my YouTube channel? You should!!!

Since I had had a tiny bit of Amarula Creme Liqueur in my fridge, I decided to make my breakfast one hell of a feast. Let me tell you, my mouth is watering as I am typing this out since I can remember how out-of-this-world good! Guys, easy does not have to be tasteless. You can have it good right at home! Warning: Chances of you getting addicted to my amarula and lime zest french toast are very high!

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Pear and Nutmeg Pancakes

My elder sister Sieva LOVES pears. She loves pears with the same intensity that I love my mangoes, so you can imagine how much she loves her pears. Growing up, I never really enjoyed pears. I watched Sieva eat her pears with such deep enjoyment and theatrics that accompany chowing down of good food. As I grew up and became a lot more open minded to trying our new things, I came to really love this cute little fruit. Now that they are in season, I am also trying to incorporate them in as many meals as I can. I am having plenty of fun in the process :))

These pear and nutmeg pancakes will warm your heart and fill your tummy. There are so full of flavor and easy to make, in true #KK fashion. Do yourself a favor and whip yourself these beauties soon!

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Crispy Rosemary Potato Wedges

On the night of April 1st, Nairobi and much of central Kenya received its first rain after the beautiful sunny months of Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar. There was no transition, just abrupt rain with the close of March. Being someone who lives for and thoroughly enjoys the dry months and the intense heat everyone complains about, I sadly welcomed April rains and already started looking forward to December. But I remembered how I pointed out in this post that I will be more thankful for everything and indeed, there is plenty to be thankful about even in grey, rainy April. Even as mango season is now behind us, I am happy that pear season is rolling in. Even as the warm sunny weather I love is gone, I am thankful that the air is clear and its green all around. Even though I can’t enjoy my flirty skirts, at least now I can rock my thigh high boots (ladies do you feel me?!!). There is always something to be thankful for.

For today, I am giving you yet another potato wedge recipe that will warm your heart and fill your tummy in the rainy days ahead.

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Green Mango Posset

If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that I told you I used to enjoy walking home as opposed to taking the bus when I was in primary school. One popular shortcut was called “Wall”, which was basically a section of a wall around Ngei I estate that had collapsed and allowed passer by’s to cut through the estate enroute to other parts. Besides wall being a shorter route, we liked it because of the mango trees that grew close to the wall. We definitely helped ourselves to their sweet green mangoes before proceeding with our walk home. One evening, dogs from a nearby home  escaped and came furiously at us while we were lazily chowing down mangoes we weren’t meant to be eating. Was it a sign form God? Maybe. The boys immediately took to their heels and left us *rolls eyes*. It was too late to start running too so we started climbing the tree (of course we never reached high enough), screaming, with tears streaming down our faces. A watch man heard us, came and chased the dogs away. We descended and went home so fast without turning back! The collapsed wall was eventually repaired and our favorite shortcut was no more. We resorted to using the long route there henceforth.

This is the memory I always have when I see green mangoes. Green mangoes are common through out East Africa. I like them so much because they have a distinct sweet taste unique to just them. I used one of my favorite mango varieties to make what is now my FAVORITE dessert yet. Just three ingredients! Trust me, you can make this green mango posset too :))

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Mbuzi Meatball Mshikaki

The day I was cooking these mbuzi meatball mshikaki, I was really upbeat. Reason being, I was cooking as I was talking to you guys via Instagram when I had my first “Ask Me Anything” of 2016. I had a ball and quite honestly, I was pleasantly shocked by the response I received from you guys {{hug}}. The post is still up and if it passed you by, you can always pass by my Instagram and ask me your question, no matter how random it is :))

The good mood I was in reflected in the end result of these meaty beauties. I personally feel when you cook when you are in a good mood, it always shows. Always! These were so good, so easy to make and the love you guys filled my heart with this past Sunday is pretty evident in the end result. So here is something fantastic for your Friday :))

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Plum Marinated Spicy Pork

Some months ago, Nigerian food blogger Funmi of The Village Pot decided to come to Kenya to experience the food scene. She called upon food bloggers in the country to give her a taste of our country. Wangeci, food blogger at African Kaya and myself were available so we gladly took her under our wings. We decided to take her to The Carnivore, which as the name suggests, is a place that show cases how we Kenyans absolutely love our grilled meat in all its splendor. Some of the meat served included beef, crocodile, duck, lamb, pork, turkey and many others I do not remember since I was busy pigging out. My favorite was the grilled pork ribs which were paired with a fruit salsa. I just could not have enough! It is on that night that I realized with absolute clarity how well pork goes with sweet flavors. You can read about this entire experience from her blog here.

This recipe was not only created with the backdrop of that awesome night, but also inspired by my friend and fellow food blogger Wangeci. Since plums, and plenty of other sweet fruits are in season, what better time to make this juicy pork dish than now?!

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Chocolate Mousse

I love chocolate. And that naturally makes me affiliated to chocolate snacks, desserts and treats. No other time of the year is more beffiting for chocolate indulgence more than Valentine’s week. And I will treat you to the same :). Also, if you have been out of the loop, one of my FAVORITE bakers, Ginah and I are giving out the most velvety, delicious cakes on Saturday for three lucky winners. Learn from this Instagram post how you can win.

I made this chocolate mousse and as I am writing this, I wish I could just make another batch and try it out. Most of the mousses I have tasted are usually very rich, and rather dense in my opinion, but delicious none the less. I decided to make mine very light and airy. Trust me, this is so easy!

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Orange and Pineapple Smoothie

I love sunny weather. Weather that makes me feel like having a good time, make tasty things and down delicious drinks. That said, January is one of my favorite months. For some reason, my fellow country men have taken it upon themselves to dislike that month. For me it is a delightful month, and just as pleasant as the rest. It is believed that January is a month of brokeness. But, is it the month that makes people broke, or they themselves that made themselves broke? Njaanuary does not exist, possible overspending in December is what does, hun. LOL Topic for another day….

I made this in the first week of January just as the holiday season was coming to an end and one of my favorite months was dawning. I decided to post it at the beginning of February to pass on the beautiful vibes January has to the equally beautiful month that succeeds it. It is a sunny drink. It looks sunny and tastes like sunshine. This is an easy one which you will love too 🙂

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Brandy Marinated Grilled Chicken Wings

Have you ever had those moments where you wake up with a song in your head and it plays all day long? Such songs have you forgetting everything because they are all that is occupying your mind. I was trying to remember where I got inspiration for this but I couldn’t, why you ask? Because boomba train by E-sir and Nameless has not stopped playing in my head since I got up.

“Tumekuja kuparty. DJ hebu weka tracki. Tukule hepi, alafu, tufungue sakafu. Sababu inabamba. Inashika! Wingu la tisa inatufikisha. Ukiwachilia mahewa, maze DJ unatubeba ah……”

I hope you were dancing as you sang along to those lyrics :D! If you do not know this song, you are too young my friend! Isn’t it amazing how we can remember songs from over a decade ago but can’t remember inspiration of a dish you made less than a month ago?! Anyway, as we indulge in the celebratory spirit of Friday, savor my brandy marinated grilled chicken wings.

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Pumpkin and Cardamom French toast

When my sisters and I were little girls, my mother had employed a help named Maggie to assist her with the house hold chores and help her keep an eye on her hyper active girls. I always remember how we sometimes used to stress Maggie when we would mess the house LOL, but she still enjoyed having us around more so during the holidays. I remember the first time I tasted pumpkin chapati. She was the one who made them for us under the guidance of my mum. Like many kids, we never liked eating pumpkin. Together with my mum they tried various ways of sneaking this into our food and they finally succeeded when we liked pumpkin chapati they made for us.

There are so many ways of having your pumpkin. I asked you guys on Instagram how you liked having your pumpkin and it was evident how there are so many ways to creatively have your pumpkin. Today, I give you one of my now favorite breakfast meals: Pumpkin and Cardamom french toast.

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Garlic Chicken Strips in Coconut Sauce

Food unrelated news: I decided to start exercising. For those who know me, they know I am pretty tiny (by Kenyan Standards) but truth be told, I am so unfit. As I am growing older, I feel it is so important to keep my body in the best state, even if I do not gain weight that easily. It has nothing to do with weight, but more to do with simply staying fit. I have been doing core work outs and I feel so sore but soooo good! Goal: These abs. And judging by the way I am going so far, this is within reach. I just hope I won’t give get bored along the way LOL

Anyway, back to business. For today, something rich and savory. This Garlic Chicken Strips in Coconut Sauce is one of those meals you can whip up in just a few minutes but have everyone blown away by how beautifully layered the flavors are.

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Cooking Challenge – #KupikaNaKaluhi

Every Monday, I always give you guys an ingredient of the week and show you how you can use it in your cooking to spruce things up. Today, I am giving you a set of ingredients only difference is, you are making a dish of your choice and a fantastic prize is up for grabs for the best recipe and the best picture of the prepared dish. This challenge is dubbed #KupikaNaKaluhi and it is in partnership with Infinix Mobile. Kaluhi’s Kitchen is all about innovative recipes while infinix mobile is all about innovative mobile trends so we want to honor one of my readers who shall embody the same quality both brands have: Innovation.

#KupikaNaKaluhi (1)

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Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute

My Papa like s having a full meal for breakfast. It not only keeps him fuller for longer but is also healthier. On certain specific weekdays my mum usually makes for him unskinned potatoes and coleslaw with pineapple or raisin, and maybe a cup of tea afterwards. #LuhyasWillBeLuhyas LOL

I also tend to get very hungry soon after having my breakfast. And the more of a full meal I eat in the morning, the more energy I will have to power me through the first hours of the day. I decided to make  what mum makes for daddy in the morning abit more exciting with flavors I know go very well with potatoes. If you are looking for a hearty filling breakfast, you are in the right place :))

Today: Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute

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Lunch at Sankara courtesy of Rupu

If you have read 30 random things about me, I have pointed out that I am a really frugal spender. This means that I do not mind spending on my self, but I especially like to do so when I can save a few coins in the process. Do you ever walk in town and pass outside posh hotels and wonder how it would feel to dine there? I do that all the time! I imagine how the food would taste, how the ambiance would feel and even what I would wear LOL! But thanks to Rupu, all this is possible! You get to dine at the best restaurants in town, walk in as though you run this  and save a pretty penny in the process. Win-Win!

Here is my Sankara Experience courtesy of RUPU.

Best Nairobi Restaurants_Lunch at Sankara courtesy of RUPU Kenya as reviewed by kaluhi adagala of

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Chicken Strips in Orange and Ginger Sauce

I was going through one of the books I jot down recipe ideas so that I do not forget what I feel would work in the kitchen. On the day I  made this, I was going through a notebook I was using in 2014 and came across and orange-ginger sauce I was writing but never completed. The ingredients seem to work in my head, and I had some chicken breast sitting in my freezer so I decided to give it a try.

Mum loved it! Dad enjoyed it too, and my youngest sister described it as a chicken recipe you will never taste anywhere else. Seeing people enjoy my recipes gives me so much satisfaction. I have a feeling you will enjoy this too as much as my fam did :))

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Raisin and carrots fried rice

Besides sharing make-up secrets, brain-storming on business ideas and combing through our latest fashion finds, among the things my sisters and I enjoy doing are exchanging recipes. Be it from a good meal one of us ate at someone’else’s home or from a recipe we saw on TV, if it is makeable, we always share it.

This recipe was inspired by my eldest sister, Cheredi after she returned home from her friend’s place with a certain book that had the best cooking secrets.  The recipe I read had several ingredients which I did not have at hand. This called for creativity on my part and in the process, this baby was born. Its fast, super easy and in the usual KK fashion, very delicious.

raisin and carrot fried rice by top kenyan food blogger kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_fried rice recipes

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Wali Wa Nazi With Whole Cumin Seeds

I made this at the spur of the moment after my youngest sister’s complaints that she needs to eat unique delicious food before she returned to college for the beginning of the next semester. LOL There were plenty of accompaniment dishes in the fridge but no main so I decided to play around with a recipe I have been thinking about for some time now. My wali wa nazi turned out great! My other sister’s boyfriend, Kipngetich, was also around during this day and was able to join us for lunch. He loved it.

Wali wa nazi simply means coconut rice. It is a coastal favorite and I decided to add my own twist to it. If my picky little sister enjoyed this, then you, without doubt, shall too :)).

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Honey and Cinnamon Pina Colada

Lord knows how long I have been waiting for the sun to come out! After months of grey skies and layers of sweaters, I can finally soak in the sun and wear all those cute dresses that were kept at the back of my closet. With this weather too comes the soft beaconing call of fresh fruits, juicy roasted meats and chilled drinks. And for me, nothing would be more welcome to sooth my dry throat in this September heat than my Honey and Cinnamon Pina Colada.

This is a fresh pina colada made from ingredients you can readily find. One single sip will take you straight to your dream tropical getaway. It is creamy, delicious and deeply refreshing.

honey and cinnamon pina colada by kaluhi adagala of kenyan food blog kaluhiskitchen.com_how to make pina

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