Life. Love. Food

Tag: Managu

Creamy Peanut Risudza (Managu)

One of the many many many gifts my parents bestowed my sisters and I is introducing us at a very young age the wide array of Traditional Kenyan vegetables. We have always enjoyed them as children, and not even as adults with our own homes & with our own babies, traditional Kenyan vegetables are a very frequent appearance. For me, it is what I eat 95% of the time and I often joke if I were to leave the country, our mbogas are certainly top 5 of the foods I would miss.

Each part of the country has their own  mbogas but it is the western communities that have the widest array and the riches culture around preparing and eating them. The list of traditional vegetables and possible combinations is endless. But one by one, we shall make one with a special twist of my own. Risudza, also known as Managu, is pretty common and among my faaaaavorite to have. This particular recipe is undeniably delicious, and I am very excited to share it with you guys!

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Creamed Spinach

In my country Kenya, the most popular vegetables that accompany any meal are kale and cabbage. They are nutritious, but when you have them too often one yearns for a bit more variety. That’s when I always indulge in veggies popular in my tribe, the Luhya tribe, which offer greater variety and  have bolder flavor and character. Such as these include tsisaga, mutere, murenda,kanzira, seveve, mto e.t.c.  They are usually cooked with cream and various other ingredients that make this vegetables rich and beautifully tasty. During the times I cannot access them, I usually have creamed spinach. Creamed spinach usually go with nearly everything. In majority of the recipes I have done in the past, I usually recommend them to be served with creamed spinach. One of my readers requested this recipe and I was more than delighted to share with her, and with all of you :).

creamed spinach with garlic_ kaluhi_s_kitchen

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