Life. Love. Food

Taking Stock 1

At times , in the midst of all the craziness of everyday life, it is important to take a step back and look within to what makes us who we are, rediscover who we want to be and to let others into our mind and world. This post incorporates that and I hope you will learn a bit more about the girl behind your screen.

Here we go:

Making: A more deliberate effort to keep in touch with my friends and family that I do not get to see everyday.
Cooking: For tonight, fish Fillet. The best Fish Fillet to be precise.
Reading: Currently nothing. But few weeks back I read ‘What’s Bred In The Bone’ set in 1913. It was a really captivating to say the least. I love books and movies that are period based (The Notebook,anyone?) . My favorite periods are 1940-1960, 1900-1930 and 1880’s
Drinking: Orange, Honey and cinnamon tea. Really soothing drink.
Smelling: My newly purchased signature scent, Midnight Fantasy.
Wearing: The warmest multicolored sweater ever whose beauty is in how whimsical it is . My sister, Kadesa, wishes it could fit her so that she could borrow it all the time.
Following: Miss Independent. Fountain of positivity! She is one of those girls that make you want to do more with your life.
Thinking: Of how fast this year has really flown by.
Wanting: December to get here fast because I have the cutest sun dresses I cannot wait to rock!
Playing: ‘Mpenzi’ by Simply Tomas. Not too new of a song, but it always makes me smile.
Admiring: Sheryl Sandberg.
Learning: To manage my super-woman syndrome, and slowly but surely realizing that I can only manage perfect sometimes, that I can do it all alone just sometimes. And sometimes, sometimes is enough.
Wishing: I could play an instrument. Piano or Violin
Enjoying: The cooler weather but ONLY because my face is less shiny during such days. #oilyskinproblems
Giggling: At P’trique – sh*t fashion girls say. Let’s  be honest ladies, you have said atleast one of these lines before. 😀

Liking: The mantra “ What would you do if you were not afraid?”
Loving: Matumbo (Tripe) which I have feared eating for the longest time. Now that I have overcome that, my next eating challenge: Escargot.
Noticing: How finite every moment and everything really is and it is important to stop and take in the things that matter.

Wondering: If I am the only one who has full conversations/debates with themselves in the mirror with full facial expressions.
Reminiscing: About the highlights of the 90’s Kenyan Kid weekend- Club Kiboko on Saturday morning and Sinbad on Sunday afternoons after church.
Hoping: To recognize every door of opportunity that opens for me and more importantly, that I will be brave enough to walk through it.
Bookmarking: 6th September- The Link networking event
Marveling: At the fact that the same love that created the stars, created me.

Knowing: That I do not need to be a big person to make a difference, I just need to be the person God created me to be.
Feeling: Grateful for the people who believe in me and for all the people that encouraged me to start this blog and for your support this far. I am really excited about what the future holds.




  1. Eva

    Lovely post 🙂

  2. Rheeyah

    loving : that you your identity revolves around God

    wishing: I would know how to cook like you do

    Hoping: You’ll stop by my blog 🙂

    Enjoying: This amazing blog i stumbled upon!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This has put a huge smile on my face. Thank you for the compliment. As far as cooking goes, take each step at a time, and slowly, you will find yourself improving. Believe me, at times I also make real disasters, but I make improvements and they become masterpieces.
      I love your blog, really clean layout!I am into fashion too so you officially have a follower :-).

  3. Diana Mwango Ratemo

    I love your Taking Stock series…and I’m soo glad I stumbled upon your blog! 🙂

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      OMG This is one serious THROWBACK wueh!!!! Happy you loved me just being me :))

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