I still cannot grasp how fast this year is really going. October came as fast as it is ending. And as usual, i believe it is important to take a step back and appreciate all that is around, and all that we are. I did my first taking stock 12 posts ago, and here is my second one. Hope you get to know more about me :).
Here we go:
Making: A lot more time for myself away from the internet, the computer, my phone. Well, I am trying to do that. I am in need of a major technology detox.
Cooking: Potato Cakes. And I am really excited to share the recipe with you next week \o/ \o/
Reading: Listening: Be still and Know by Dave Mckay- a 250 page book I got for free on a bus ride home, and it is quite interesting. These are some of the things that make Nairobi what it is.
Drinking: Too much water. But too much water is never a bad thing right?
Smelling: Jacaranda Blossoms <3
Wearing: Gold earrings I got from my Aunty Jabeya in 2003. And as I type I notice I have kept them for over a decade. That’s just how much I value gifts. Initially she gave my sisters and I watches, but my wrist was too small to fit the watch. So instead she gave me gold earrings, which are one of my favorite to wear to date.
Following: Unexpected Kenya Series by Safari254. Aren’t we blessed as Kenyans? Yes, beyond measure!
Thinking: That sometimes we know exactly how great we are and what we are capable of achieving, but we listen to everyone else who tells us we cannot. Maybe it is one of our inherent short falls as humans, but it is possible to break away from all the voices that limit you.
Wanting: Carrot cake. Huge fat juicy carrot cake to gobble down my throat. This serious craving is all I have been thinking about.
Playing: Rather, wanting to play Kati. On Sunday we had a black out the entire afternoon, I tried to convince my younger sisters to play kati with me to pass time, but this yielded no results.
Admiring: Sibahle Mtongana. Doting mother, Loving wife, Amazing chef, Devout christian, Beautiful in and out. My role model in many ways.
Learning: To trust in God’s timing. And in learning to do so, comes so much peace that we steal from ourselves through worry. In retrospect, we realize how perfectly He placed everything in our lives.
Wishing: I knew how to make a dress from a piece of material. Who is kind enough to offer me lessons?
Enjoying: Jacaranda Season! Obsessed with all this beauty!
Giggling: At this. No matter how many times I watch this, I always find this H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!
Liking: Black garments a lot lately, which is so out of character for me because I am naturally attracted to soft, warm shades.
Loving: Olivia Pope inspired fashion line. No, I will not buy, but its enough to draw inspiration from. It does not get classier that this!
Noticing: That the more someone tries to fit into the standards society has set for them,the more they loose themselves. Never conform. Celebrate you, even if you are your only fan.
Reminiscing: How fun Nairobi International Trade Fair (show) used to be. Next year I need to make a trip back for memories sake.
Hoping: That you will try at least one of my recipes this Mashujaa weekend
Bookmarking: 1/1/2015. I am just so excited about 2015. It feels like it is going to be one amazing year.
Marveling: At how many things can make us happy in a day, but we tend to overlook them. Growing up really makes us busy with things we will never remember.
Knowing: That I am gonna leave a great legacy.
Feeling: More appreciative about our country. Kenya is obviously not paradise, but let’s be real, there is plenty to love, celebrate and appreciate. So in the spirit of Mashujaa Day: I will end this post with things I love about Kenya
- Beautiful weather, that I would not trade for anything. Sunshine that floods our nation every morning with hope and kisses it every evening with the best sunsets on the face of the earth.
- The majestic Great Rift Valley. Even though I have seen this countless times on our way to Maragoli, it never ceases to take my breath away.
- Our people, who wear their dark skin proudly as badges of honor. People who will put their differences aside to make a stranger feel at home. People who are eager to please God and find joy in things most people would normally overlook.
- I love that, even though we are not as wealthy as other nations, we still know what really matters. We find happiness in things money cannot buy and make use of the little we have and find meaning in sharing it with those who are not as fortunate as we are.
- Very affordable organic fruits. Where in the world will you find an 5 organic mangoes selling at 100 shillings (approx $1) ???? Give thanks.
- Our unique wildlife.
- e.t.c…
Happy Mashujaa Weekend!
I’d found your blog through BAKE’s twitter and I forgot to bookmark it .I’d been struggling to remember the URL (all I could rem is that the name had a k,h and u) and a search on Google didn’t work. In fairness I’d made the name up so that wasn’t unexpected. Long story short, I went searching on the BAKE facebook page and I have finally bookmarked your blog so no more searching for made up blog names on Google. Just wanted to say that I love your blog, it inspires me to be more creative in the kitchen.
Wow! Thank you so much Rachael for your kind words. Glad you are with me in this journey. Hope to inspire you more as we go along

Lovely post. always great to learn about the person whose blog i’m stalking…ahem. do you know how to make Cheese cake? Next to carrot cake, this is the next best thing in life!!! Just in case you do, i’ll be lurking to catch the recipe. have a great day
Thank you so much, Yvonne. You are the kind of stalkers that I welcome with arms wide open :). I do know how to make cheese cake, however, I am having some major electrical issues with my oven. But as soon as that is sorted, I will be on it!