As we head into the final months of 2015, time to pause and recount. :))
Making: sure I rest and not feel guilty about it. And becoming more selfish with my resting time has made me a lot less cranky and surprisingly, much more organized and efficient. Being busy all the time is just a recipe for spectacular burn outs.
Cooking: Nothing. But I am dying to eat a huge fat piece of Java black forest cake right NOW!!! Life is too short now to eat cake…
Reading: The richest Man in Babylon recommended to me by my wanna-be best friend Kiki. Many people do not like motivational books, But I feel if I can gain something that can make me a better human being, why not indulge? Ya know?
Drinking: Chamomile tea. And it smells really pretty too.
Smelling: Neem blossoms. They are tiny purple and white flowers that just fill the air with the aroma of October-November.
Wearing: A white dress… and realizing how difficult that color is to wear and maintain in Nairobi, whether it is dry or rainy. But still feeling magical when in white, so that makes it worth the trouble :))
Following: Heather Lindsey
Thinking: about some time back I was feeling confused about my current stage in life. I do not know why, that feeling just came over me. Then I started speaking with one of my readers, who I have never met, but really connected with. She told me not to worry too much about what I can not fix. Just to pray about it and thrive in my current season. Those words have stuck with me. Since then I have been alot more stable. To you, who may be in a state of confusion, release your worry and thrive in your current season. Do not worry about tomorrow, focus on now and make it your best.
Wanting: More occasion wear in my closet. When invited to a grand place or occasion, I have to be ready to dress the part. And in my book, it is better to be the overdressed than underdressed. Always go big!
Admiring: The bravery of the people who risk their lives to cross over to Europe with the hope of redemption. Escaping chaos that they did not foresee or adequately prevent. Leaving everything behind because of conflict, and sometimes, someone behind, takes a lot of courage and scars you for life.The media paints them as dirty unwanted refugees, but they are just like you and me. People wanting to start over. Their story is never told. After reading some of the posts as covered by HONY, and knowing what they are going through, I just felt so sad and so heartbroken because I do not know how I can change the situation or at least help. Read this, this, this really kind man’s story and this.
Obsessed: with tall, hairy handsome Scott Eastwood in Taylor Swift’s ‘Wildest dreams‘ video #swwooooonn. All controversy associated with that video aside, that guy hit the genetic jack pot!!!
Noticing: that all Nairobi matatus are always four people short of departure…. even if the previous passengers have just alighted. ‘Wanne iende’ ‘Wanne wa haraka’ ‘Wanne wa kuondoka’ ‘Warembo wanne wa mwisho twende’ Only for you to board and discover you are the second person. SMH
Learning: Not to let comparison cheat me, in whatever sphere of my life it is. I must admit, I struggle with this one but I am making progress. My journey is mine, and it does not matter who is doing what. Working on me is the only thing that will ever work for me.
Wishing: I could be in a getaway spot somewhere in the country right about now. More specifically I want to be in Shaba lodge Samburu for the weekend. But my wallet says chilling at home will have to do for now.
Enjoying: Warm evenings and breathtaking sunsets
Excited: about PIZZA FESTIVAL I hope you guys are making serious plans to stuff yourself. I will give you full deets tomorrow
Giggling: at this Instagram account- Bros being basic – where guys make fun of the typical posts/poses/hashtags girls usually post. That page is so hilarious!The hashtags just give these posts L.I.F.E!!! lol. Check out this post, and this other one and this other one that just cracked me up! Its official, guys 1- Girls nil
Liking: action movies a lot more lately. I watched Mad Max Fury Road (better late than never) and Charlize Theron’s character, Furiosa, that made me want to be that tough bad-ass chic who wins and liberates everyone. But I guess we can all be that heroine in our own unique ways
Loving: Jacaranda season. Beautiful. Glorious. Purple blossoms that bathe my city this time of year! As this Kenyan girl said, it is like a love letter from Nairobi
Wondering: how life would be like if we actually owned invisibility cloaks… or maybe, certain people already own them but we just do not know coz they are always invisible…hmmm
Bookmarking: Christmas season… All that food, family time and sunshine. I cant wait!!! Its never too early for Christmas!
Reminiscing about this line from the Cinderella 2015 movie (finally watched that too!!) “Would who she was, who she really was, be enough? This is perhaps the greatest risk for all of us to make. To be seen as we truly are” And if you think about it, this applies to each one of us. Behind all that we put forth for society to approve of us, do we really have the courage to present our selves at our most vulnerable points and still believe ourselves as being enough? Behind all those square pictures with perfect smiles, that job you think defines who you are, that ego/salary you think entitles you to everything, is who you are, who you really are, enough? It should be!
Marveling : at the softness and beauty of moon light. Most of the time nowadays I like to sleep with curtains open just so that I can let all its beauty flood in and coat everything in my room in the stillness of the night. It is very beautiful indeed!
Knowing: October will open many doors for me. And I pray the same for every single one of you.
Feeling: Happy. Healthy. Smiley. Optimistic
Happy October!!
Laughing really hard at the noticing, “wanne ndio tuondoke” ?? it’s so true!
Also, your take homes and realizations are amazing. Especially the Cinderella 2015 one.
That “wanne” thing should even be added to our national in thats the line all matatus use ALL.THE.TIME!! LOL! Glad you enjoyed this snippet of what runs through my mind :))
My birthday month!!! YAY!! Loving the brosbeingbasic! hahahah!! Hilarious!
Here is to many doors opening for and everyone at large!!
Bros being basic just makes my day!! LOL & cheers to greater things ahead :))
You have such a radiant soul…and it shows when you write!
The matatus being always four people short of depature is soo true, and it’s all around Kenya btw.
May you have the best and most fulfilling month yet! <3
Check my blog out, maybe?
Thank you so much name-sake :)). And may October be a winning month for us all :))
Loving your shoes were can I locate some like that?
Thank you. The shoes were actually thrifted. So finding another pair like this will just be plain luck!
I love Heather Lindsey too!! real mom, unapologetic about her faith and inspiration too!! great series K.
Heather Lindsey is my soul sister! She is real fire!!!!!! Love her!