Life. Love. Food

Taking Stock Six

Kaluhi’s Kitchen turns one today!!!! *jumps in air and waves pom poms* And I could not be more thankful for the amazing ride it has been thus far. I have learnt what it means doing something you like, just coz you like it, and enriching other lives in the process. I have learnt to constantly aim for excellent, regardless whether there is an audience or not. But most times, when you do aim for excellent, the audience does turn up.

For the growth, the journey, the small victories, the times I spread myself out too thin, the critics and the support and my beloved readers who I would be nothing without, Thank You. Today, let us pause and recount.

Kaluhi Adagala, author and creative at kaluhiskitchen.com_taking stock 6_kenyan food bloggers_top kenyan food blogs

Making: time to simply celebrate and enjoy life, and soak in every little moment. Coz everyday is a special blessing and every single moment in time is a treasure.

Cooking: Plenty of broccoli these days, and loving it. Am I the only one who thought broccoli is not tasty as influenced by some  Dexter’s Lab episode??

Reading: ‘This Kenyan Girl

Drinking: A glass of warm milk to before bed every other day nowadays. And sleeping a lot better as a result. I think the six year old within me is loving this! But I sometimes swap this with a cup of honey, lemon and cinnamon tea.

Smelling: Mom’s perfume -Red Delicious by DKNY

Wearing: A grey polo neck. The July freeze is real especially in the morning.

FollowingFood 52 on Instagram and constantly being floored by how amazing their pictures are. But at the same time being inspired to up my photo taking game

Thinking: about how much trial and error (and death) was involved before humans finally discovered and settled on plants that were edible, not poisonous and tasty on their own or in combination

Wanting: December-January-February to get here so bad plus some mangoes :))

Admiring: Lauren Conrad’s clothing line ‘Paper Crowns” as seen on Instagram how everything is so beautifully soft and feminine. The more I scroll, the more depressed I become because I want EVERYTHING, but that remains a dream…. for now :))

Obsessed: with KitKat. I actually think I have always been obsessed with this chocolate. Favorite cheap chocolate. IT’S. NEVER. ENOUGH.

Noticing: That life is not only more rewarding outside my comfort zone, but it is way more fulfilling and exciting. Many aweful things are usually said about our generation, but one of the nice things about our age group that is often overlooked is that we are eager to get away from the norm .We not only want jobs, but crave fulfilment & purpose. For us , it is not enough to just exist, but very important to live. We are very driven and that is why we are seeing very many young super achievers. If you are reading this and living predictably, rise. Do not be left behind. Push your self and you will be surprised by how much you can really do. *exhales*

Learning: that being humble in your own capability should not be an excuse not to sell yourself or assertively jump at opportunity. And, being confident in your own capability ,too, should not be an excuse not to feel to good improve or not take criticism in stride. Do not fall in the #TooHumble or #TooConfident trap.

Wishing: I could wear a bow with every single outfit I put on.

Wondering: If I am the only one who tries to save bugs from demise. Like saving a moth from drowning in water… or redirecting a trail of ants from a busy walk way… or helping an overturned beetle back on its feet…Just wondering 😀

Enjoying: dining by myself. You know, taking myself to lunch and discovering new eateries. Glad I finally made peace with being comfortable with my own space. I like eating alone, just as I would be with a huge crowd, there is really no difference. I enjoy meeting new people nowadays and making new friends and connections, but at the same time, I totally love just being alone from the world to power up. And no,I am not a loner. I am just among the few introverted extroverts that exist.

Excited: That my birthday is in 1 month 1 day!!! Where are all my fellow August Babies at??!

Giggling: and laughing a lot more lately. and maybe that is a good thing. Happiness is a blessing

Liking: Crime and Murder Investigation documentaries lately. Its a morbid affiliation, but I like how they solve and unravel everything. My current favorite is Blood Relatives.

Loving: My new camera. I named him Titan :)). His other name is Orion. Since I couldn’t choose between the two I gave him both. #JudgeMeNot LOL

Hoping: To be as good of a parent as my mom and dad are to my sisters and I when the time comes.

Bookmarking: Joshua 1:9. I feel this should be one of the things I NEED  to remind myself during those times when I feel like the world is drawing all energy from me.

Reminiscing: about beautiful Maragoli, Western Kenya. Take me back!!

maragoli,vihiga county- western kenya 2

maragoli,vihiga county- western kenya 7

Marveling: at how my high-school classmates and I made these aprons from scratch. It was a home-science project, which was compulsory for the first 2 years in Precious Blood Riruta. I dropped it afterwards. Do you believe its 100% hand made.??! Here is a pic of mine 9 years later. I have never used it.



Knowing: that sometimes in my relentless  pursuit of perfection, being slightly flawed is part of the journey. And most of the time, the goal is not to be perfect, but just to be me.

Feeling: overwhelmingly grateful for all your likes, shares, double-taps, retweets and recommendations. I literally beam each time I get a new comment on a post, just as I did when I got my very first comment. I relish in re-living the joy of my recipes through your palate. Blessed to have every single one of you in my #KK fam.




  1. Debbie

    this post made me see you in a new light. i have been following you for a few months now and i enjoy the blog and like the person behind tge blog each passing day. To many more!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This literally lit up my day! Thank you so much :))

  2. Beryl

    you are amazing.and am a super fan.I have bookmarked your website,I check daily
    past and current recipes
    you make cooking fun and easy

    • kaluhiskitchen

      If I am making cooking fun and easy for you, then I am doing this right. Thrilled t have you as a reader too 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Orge

    I love blood relatives too! It’s one of my favorites!!!
    Great job Kaluhi. Keep up the good work!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      OMG We should totally have a Blood Relatives binge one day Orge… That show is AWESOME and so intriguing!!!!!

  4. Nyakio

    Your blog popped,at my twitter handle about an year ago… I have tried many recipes here and they turn out great… And as your highschool apron says” May God bless the work of your hands”… To your first year and many to come ??????????????? Great work Ms. Kaluhi???????

    • kaluhiskitchen

      AMEN!Glad to have you on this journey. It has been abundantly pleasant this far, and excited about the road ahead 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. Wanjiru Maru

    KitKat white chocolate gives me life. And yes, the cheaper the better. What girl does not love a bargain. Your blog is the reason i cook nowadays. Simplicity, fun and flavour are now part of my life 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 To many more years and recipes!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      KitKat White is the only white chocolate I like. I can eat that thing like I am being paid LOL. That chocolate will be the end of me haki! I am like the bargain-cheap-skate-thrift queen. If I can get something really good and save some money while at it, you will find me there. I digress….. I am always happy to know that I have influenced your cooking positively. Cheers to many more to come Wanjiru 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. Rae

    I’m a huge fan and an August baby too so Happy birthday to you and your kitchen…and me hehe.
    Keep doing this, I love it.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      #AugustBabiesRock wohooooo! and Thank you so much Rae. You are among my most consistent and loyal readers and I am grateful 🙂

  7. Veon

    Bumping into someone that does the Taking Stock series on their blog too is always such fun!!

    P.s we also sewed aprons in Mary Leakey, and I dropped home science too!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Mary Leaky had 1million similarities to P.B I tell you… I actually enjoyed homescience, and I don’t know exactly why I dropped it LOL. Karibu to the KK fam 🙂

      • nderitu wanjiru

        me too i dropped it like its hot yet i wish now i did it then am now a lover of home making.thanks for taking stock i love reading thru

        • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

          Guess we have plenty in common LOL! Glad you enjoyed the read :))

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