Life. Love. Food

Tangy Mango Stuffed Crepe

We all have those days when we want to have something a little bit sweet and light. Where I live, it can be a bit of a hustle to leave home and get to the nearest bakery because this area is not actively supplied with public transportation which is the means I use. Therefore, whenever that craving kicks in I turn to my favourite comfort food,Mango stuffed crepes, which are fast, tasty and easy to make from home.

Like most of the things I know how to make, this one too was taught by my mother. As years went by, various modifications were made to the recipe. My elder sister, Sieva, perfected the crepe recipe and it is the same one we use to date. My twist on these fabulous crepes was adding various fillings to them. For this filling I used my favourite fruit, mangoes, with some fresh orange zest and a dash of ground cinnamon that elevates the sweetness of the mango and brings out the tartness of the orange zest.

These heavenly tangy mango stuffed crepes make for an ideal  healthy breakfast, a rich brunch or a filling snack.

Tangy Stuffed Mango Crepe

Crepes are actually french-style pancakes. At home, we have always called them pancakes but when I discovered they are actually called crepes, I decided to only use the fancier name :-D. I prefer these over the traditional pancakes because these are lighter and less chewy.

Let me show you how I made them.

This is what you will need:

**Makes three

  1. 1 cup of milk
  2. 1 cup of all purpose flour
  3. 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar
  4. 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
  5. 1 ripe mango
  6. 1 small egg
  7. Orange zest
  8. A pinch of cinnamon
  9. Margarine (or butter)

You may use vanilla extract instead of vanilla essence and it would still be OK.

For the garnish

  1. A bar of milk chocolate
  2. Icing sugar


Mix the flour and the sugar together. Add the egg and the vanilla extract to the bowl and mix. As you are mixing, slowly add the milk. Add the milk until the batter has the same consistency as yogurt.

Tip: You may let the batter rest in the fridge for an hour before cooking or even overnight. This allows the bubbles to subside and reduce the chances of them tearing while cooking and while flipping. (I cooked my crepes immediately after mixing though without this resting time and they still turned out great.)

Using a large serving spoon, a small cup or a large scoop,take some of the batter and pour it on a hot pan that has been greased with your margarine.

Turn the pan in a circular motion so that the batter spreads out and does not settle in the middle. This makes the crepe have even thickness throughout and maintain their lightness.

After the batter has evenly spread out, return it to the heat. Using a table spoon, spread a knob of margarine along the edges of the crepe. This makes it not to stick on the pan and also makes the edges deliciously crunchy.

After the sizzle of the margarine has stopped, flip the crepe over. I like mine with this appetizing golden-brown color. Put some margarine on the flipped surface. This makes them softer, however if may be watching the amount of fatty material in your food, you can forgo this application.

Repeat the same for both sides, and for the rest of your crepes.

Serve them on your plate. Fold it into half, then into a quarter. Do you see this little pocket? That’s where we will put our stuffing.

For the mango stuffing, cut your ripe mango into small cubes, mix them with the orange zest and a pinch of cinnamon. Be careful not to use too much cinnamon as it will overpower all the other flavors.

Stuff those puppies, then dust some icing sugar on top of them. I added some chocolate shavings on top too so as to make every bite creamier and richer. I mean, chocolate makes everything better, right?

Look at that!!!!!

You can have them when they have cooled, but in my experience, they are best served warm.

You can also try out different fillings with some of your favourite fruits. Here are some fillings that I know will also be tasty: pineapple & coconut, grapes and groundnuts, strawberries and cream and many others you can come up with. Do experiment with other fillings and fill me in on how your crepes taste with them.

To good food,


Like the recipe? Download it and try it!


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  1. Janet Gardiner

    Absolutely love your blog…stalking you always

    • Kaluhi Adagala

      You are the kind of stalkers I like :-D.
      Thank you, I hope to fulfill and even surpass your expectations.

  2. Rachael@safari254

    I probably should not have read this on an empty stomach

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOL! Thats a sign that you really have to try this out, Safari 🙂 🙂

  3. Katam

    Your too incredible!!! Totally love your work n art with food

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Oh Viola! You just put a huge grin on my face! Glad you love the blog and happy to have you as part of my food journey 🙂

  4. eve kamau

    This blog oh my im glad it equips me with the best recipes
    publish a book soon

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Eve, glad to be making a difference in your culinary world. A book shall be out hopefully by end of the year 🙂

  5. Rispah

    Lovely, Just from a spin class and I came across your blog, yummy,I need to try out your recipes Diana, look at you, simple recipes and well explained, Its like reading Nigel Slaters recipes.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Asante sana! You really should try this out!

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