Life. Love. Food

Thyme and Basil Tomato Soup

I am an ambivert. I have an almost equal mix of both extrovert and introvert. I can become either- depending on the vibe of a person, a room or the crowd; though often ,I have to say, I lean towards extrovert. I enjoy meeting new people and have no issue with small talk, but at the same time, I love alone time and deeply value solitude. I feel completely comfortable traveling alone because I now I will always make new friends, but at the same time, I like doing so many more things alone and maintain my time by myself through out. I am often the most talkative person in the crown- the one saying hi to everyone and the first one on the dance floor- and other times, I am the one sitting silently by myself, thoroughly entertained by people watching. Sometimes, I am the party, while other times, the party to me means sitting at home in a cosy duvet, watching a good series while eating something so tasty!

Lately I have been loving my soups, and my current new fave is my thyme and basil tomato soup which I love so much because not only is is very easy to make, but crazy crazy delicious to have as well!!!

I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Do watch below, and subscribe!



2 ripe tomatoes, chopped

1 red onion, chopped

1/2 a thumb sized piece of ginger

4 cloves of garlic

1/2 a tablespoon of fresh finely chopped basil

7 sprigs of fresh thyme


We shall begin by chopping all the ingredients. They do not require a fine chop, as we are going to blend then later on. The first ingredients in are tomatoes, onion, ginger, garlic and some thyme. I bought my fresh thyme from Carrefour at 30 bob a bunch, so make sure you cop some too. The rest you can get at mama mboga!

Place them on your baking tray, sprinkle some olive oil (or any other vegetable oil) and allow to roast in your oven for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. By the time you are done, the veggies should have wrinkled and the garlic completely softened hadi uweze kuimash na fork. I showed you how soft in today’s video.

Allow this to cool down for a short while then place in your blender together with some vegetable stock (or water) and blend. I showed you how I made vegetable stock for this recipe in the video so make sure you pass by and watch.

I also made another version of veg stock waaaaaaay back in 2014 on this blog post, so check it out too. You can use plain water too to facilitate the blending, but stock simply makes everything better.

Blend till smooth.

Return to your sufuria to warm it up. Finely chop your basil and add that and let it simmer for about 3 minutes.

Tomatoes and basil are a flavor combo you can never go wrong with!! I also bought my basil from carrefour but zucchini also stocks some at 30-40 bob a bunch.

If you have a hand blender, you can bend everything right in your sufuria but since I do not have one, I used a normal big blender.

Once done, serve, garnish with some thyme sprigs and serve with some grilled cheese sandwich. I am telling you NOTHING beats that combo!!!

Easy to make and super duper indulgent as well! You can taste everything- form the garlic, the ginger, the herbiness of the thyme and basil! It is beyond perfect! Combined with the richness of a freshly grilled cheesy sandwich, yoh! You will never get over it!!

I hope you also tried out my kitunguu matawi & white wine creamy mushroom soup and my other soup recipes too!! Do not forget to pass by my channel, subscribe and share my videos on allllll your whatsapp groups!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Hafsa

    Hi Kaluhi.
    I love reading your posts and I check for any new posts every few days 🙂
    I love your writing style and your detailed approach.
    This soup looks delicious, I love tomato soup and have been wanting to make one, your recipe looks awesome, will definitely give it a try, especially in this nice cool weather.
    In the final pic of the soup, looks like you have something like a green chutney in an oil base? Please let me know what it is and it’s recipe please?
    Many thanks.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you. I do hope you read the blog post, before getting to the final pic because it’s all explained. It’s a pesto, and i have linked on how to make it. Read the post honey bun! ❤

  2. Senewa

    Hi. I love tomato soup. My question is , in my household we are four. So do I multiply ingredients x 4 🤷‍♀️🙆‍♀️

    • Kaluhi

      Not necessarily. Basil cannot be increased by four lest it becomes to overpowering

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