Life. Love. Food

Thyme & Beer Marinated Mushroom Beef Stew

I had this really fun Konversation on twitter early August about meat marination. I shared how I marinate my different meats and different variations of the same and how I like to switch things up. You can check that #KaluhisKonversation out HERE and if you are not following me on twitter yet, what on earth are you waiting for boo??! What I enjoyed most were the contributions you guys made and I was so blown away by your marinade recipes!!! When I say #KNation has the most creative people, I actually am not lying. From the different sauces you use, different combinations of chillies, spices, different citrus fruits, different dry rubs…you guys are so creative!! And all that marinade talk inspired this recipe.

I decided to make a delicious mushroom beef stew, that had been marinating in my favorite ingredients. It came out so so well and I am beyond sure that you will love this recipe too! The final recipe for my birthday month: my thyme and beer marinated mushroom beef stew.



¼ kg of beef

1/2 a cup of beer

½ a teaspoon of dried thyme

½ a teaspoon of dried rosemary

½ teaspoon of black pepper

3 tablespoons of finely chopped spring onion

1 tablespoon of soy sauce

½ a teaspoon of habanero chili

200 g of button mushrooms

1 red onion, diced

5 cloves of garlic, minced

1 tomatoes, grated

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

¼ teaspoon of chili flakes

1 tablespoon of royco

2 carrots, diced

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

In a container, place your chopped beef and add the habanero, spring onion, beer (I ALWAYS use Guinness), soy sauce, pepper, rosemary and thyme overnight. I like using yellow harbanero dip by Kez Organics, which is my current favorite chili #BuyKenyaBuildKenya. You can also use fresh chili or cayenne pepper. Mix everything until combined then let this marinate refrigerated overnight or up to 72 hours. Remember, the longer the meat marinates, the deeper the flavors!!! My original intention was to let this marinate for 24 hours but I kept postponing out of sheer laziness and let it sit for 72 hours. The flavors really infused were EXPLOSIVE! I guess my laziness paid off 😀

You can always switch things up and use marinate ingredients you like. :). But for me, beer and chili are always my base must-have ingredients for beef then I layer that up by adding other spices and herbs for fuller flavor.

Once done, boil the meat until tender with all marinade components until dried up and set aside. Some people prefer not to boil but rather sear the meat then let it cook through while stewing which it completely fine.

I would like to address one of the most frequent question I get asked: “So, will I get drunk when I cook with an alcoholic drink? 

The answer: NO

Cooking is very much a science as it is an art. Do you guys remember when we were learning about various liquid boiling points during Chemistry class in high school? We learnt that alcohol has a very low boiling point. Meaning, it evaporates very fast when heat is applied. Now, when you cook with an alcoholic beverage, the alcohol evaporates in the very early stages of cooking. It is cooked off. What is left behind is the other ingredients and flavors that were used to make the alcoholic beverage; and that is EXACTLY what we are after. We cook with alcohol not to get high (which doesn’t even happen), but to get to the other layered flavors there in. Please please remember this! When someone tells you they got high after eating food cooked with alcohol, just know they are lying because you know and understand the science behind what happens when you cook with alcohol.


In a sufuria, add your diced onion, chili and the minced garlic and allow this to cook until softened and fragrant. Check out this post where I gave you the low-down of how you can make your own chili flakes at home. Still you can use fresh chili in the event chili flakes are beyond your reach.

Then, add the tomatoes and tomato paste and let this simmer for about 3 minutes. It is important to let the tomato paste to really cook down so that the meat does not have a weird “metallic” taste and to allow it to thicken your mchuzi. Then add the royco and let everything simmer for about 7 minutes so that everything cooks down.

Thereafter, add your pre-cooked marinated beef, 1-2 a cup of hot water (or more until you reach the soup consistency you like) and carrots and mix them in. Allow them to simmer on low heat for about 10-15 minutes for the mchuzi to thicken. 5 minutes before serving, add your chopped mushrooms them let them cook in on low heat. Reason being is I did not want the mushrooms to overcook and turn into a limp, wilted mess. Plus they cook really fast so 5 minutes was enough!

I bought my mushrooms form CarreFour at 189 bob a punnet. A steal if you ask me…! You can find them in any other well stocked supermarket but ofcourse prices will vary.

Once done, garnish with fresh coriander and dig all the way innnnnnnn!

You could never ever ever go wrong with marinating your beef with some beer before stewing it! Never! And one of my tweeps, Wangui Wanyiri completely agrees!!! The meatiness of the beef is really complimented by it and I would not have it any other way. Adding mushrooms simply gave it more body and the subtle flavor of the thyme, rosemary, garlic and chili made it all the more spectacular!!


I had my mushroom beef stew with some mashed potatoes and carrot fingers, but truly you can enjoy it with any starch you fancy! Be it chapati, or potato wedges or ugali or rice, you will enjoy it just the same!

To all things delicious!! <3 <3


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  1. virginia

    Have to give this a try, mushroom one of my favorite, good one

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You’ll love it!!

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