Life. Love. Food

Thyme and Garlic Dry Fry Goat Meat

Food is a medium that brings people together. It is the perfect ice breaker. It is a way that can bring people closer together. I also consider it a way of showing affection and/or appreciation for those around especially when effort and love is put in the preparation of their favorite meals. I am the kind of person who enjoys watching those close to me absolutely enjoy what I make for them hence I put my all in making their favorite dishes.

I know someone really special to me really loves goat meat. I have never made this dish for him yet as I was searching for the perfect recipe. I tried this out for myself first to see if the flavors blend, and for my sisters to critique and give their reviews. I loved it and my sisters enjoyed this so much, I just had to share it with you guys too. Now I know when I do make this dish for him, he will be blown away! I hope you make this for those close to your heart too 🙂

thyme and garlic dry fry goat meat

Prep Time: 15 Hours       Cook Time: 45 Minutes           Serves:3 People

Ingredients for the thyme and garlic dry fry goat meat:

For the marinade:

goat meat marinade

3 cloves of Garlic, minced

1/2 a teaspoon of dried thyme

Freshly squeezed lemon juice

Plain Yoghurt

1 tablespoon of dark mushroom soy sauce

1/2 kg of goat meat

For the dry fry:

dry fry goat meat ingredients

3 Tomatoes, diced

Marinated goat meat

1 white onion, finely chopped

1 green bell pepper finely chopped

1/2 a table spoon of black pepper

1 heaped tablespoon of royco all spice mix

Thumb sized piece of minced ginger

Salt to taste

1 teaspoon of tomato paste

Finely chopped coriander


Method for the thyme and garlic dry fry goat meat 

Take your garlic cloves  peel them and crush them into a paste. In a separate container, mix your plain yoghurt, dark mushroom soy sauce, thyme and lemon juice. After they are all mixed, add your crushed  garlic and mix this. Once they are evenly distributed, pour the content over your sliced goat meat and allow it to sit for not less than 3 hours for the marinade to really infuse. I let mine marinate overnight for 14 hours. My prep time seems long because of the marination time, but cooking takes a shorter time.

marinating of goat meat_thyme, plain yoghurt, soy sauce, lemon juice,  garlic

I used the thyme by tropical heat. It costs about kshs. 90 and goes a really long way. You will find it in any supermarket countrywide.

dried thyme leaves Kenya

After you are done marinating your meat, put it to boil with the entire contents. Do not rinse it out, it will turn out just fine and much more flavorful. Add 1 cup of beef stock/ vegetable stock or just some water so as to ensure the meat tenderizes.

boiling goat meat with marinade contents

Let this boil until it is cooked through. In Kenya, we  boil our meat before frying or cooking it. This not only shortens the cooking time, but it also makes the meat more tender. The white things are the garlic that were in the marinade. You do not have to remove them as they will be incorporated in the dish during the dry fry process.

boiled goat meat as prepared in african countries

After your meat has boiled, put it aside. In a separate (or the same) frying pan, add your white onions together with your ginger and black pepper and fry. Once your onions are soft, add your tomatoes and let them fry for about 5 minutes until they are soft. Then add your tomato paste and mix this all together. The tomato paste gives the dish deeper color, thickness and better taste and that is why I never leave it out while making my stews or dry fries.

I saw these white onions at city stadium open market and decided to buy some and incorporate them in my next dish. However you can use spring or red onion.

sauteed onions, tomato reduction and tomato paste for thickness

Once the tomatoes have reduced add the goat meat that you had initially set aside. Mix it in. Then, in a small bowl, mix your royco all spice mix, some salt with some water to form a thick paste. Add this to the meat and mix.

bell peppers with dry fry goat meat make a splendid combination

Then add your finely chopped bell pepper and mix it all in. Let this simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Remove the dry fry goat meat from the heat and garnish with the finely chopped coriander.


dry fry goat meat with coriander garnish

Besides it’s distinct taste, thyme has a world of health benefits. You can read through some of those benefits here. This Thyme and garlic dry fry goat meat can go with nearly everything, from rice to potatoes, to salads but goes best with ugali and good veggies on the side.

dry fry goat meat with garlic and thyme. Kenyan Food. African Food

You can use this same recipe for other meats such as beef and it will be just as tasty. But always remember to add more flavor to the food you choose to make. Give this dry fry goat meat a try. You will not regret. 🙂

Love and Love


Download the full recipe here

Kaluhi's Kitchen Recipes

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  1. Rae

    If you ever publish a recipe book I’m first in line because each of your recipes is so do-able!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So happy to hear that you find my recipes do-able since that is always what I have in mind while developing them. When I do publish my cook book, you shall be first on my list Rachael 🙂

  2. Nala

    Hi. I just stumbled on your blood and I love it!!
    What quantity of meat did you use for this recipe?? Plus, how do I subscribe to your blog??

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Nala,
      So happy that we get to connect through this blog :)The quantity of the meat is 1/2 a kilo of goat meat. Thank you for pointing that out, I have corrected it in the main post. You can subscribe to posts at the right hand section of the blog page, which I believe is only visible via laptop/desk top. But once you use them, it will be easy to subscribe. If you get any difficulty doing so, let me know 🙂

  3. Wairimu

    I tried this recipe last night and it turned out sooo well. I’m now becoming a very good cook thanks to your blog. Continue with the good work.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Wairimu,
      I know this recipe never disappoints 🙂 and I am thrilled that you tried it and loved it too. Cooking is fun and easy right?!
      Cheers to many more!

  4. Motah

    I tried this recipe last night and got confused on whether I should let the one cup of water that I added to boil till it dries up….Lol…it still turned out well though it wasn’t really a dry fry so will try it out again to get the perfect dry fry :)…..keep the recipes coming.

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Hey Motah!
      Glad you gave this a try. You can always allow it to boil until it dries up, or drain excess water, either method is still ok :)). Next time, add a tiny amount of water while making the dry fry, or do not add any at all at first, then see how it turns out. Practice makes perfect always 🙂

      • Motah

        alright will for sure try this again….thanks

  5. Marie JayRuto Limo

    I will say one word : Hit!!!!

    I prepared this for lunch jana served it with ugali. This dish earned me points..hehehehehe..thansk Kaluhi

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Yaaaaaasssssssss!!!!!! Those points have to be accumulated girl! LOL! This is one of my fave and I am happy you got to experience its magnificence too, Marie :))

  6. Fiona

    I have a kg of mbuzi and I was just googling on how I was going to mess around with it,then, I came across this recipe… I love it. All the ingredients are on point! Looking forward to tasting this. Thanks xx

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Oh that’s awesome to know! So glad you bumped into this and moreso coz I know you will absolutely enjoy it :)))) Cheers!

  7. maureen

    Hi kaluhi, what is the quantity of the yoghurt used

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I put half of the 100ml can. But later on I added some more and thats why I never wrote a specific quantity. When it comes to cooking, allow some room for flexibility so that you change things to suit your preference and also to allow you to be creative and make changes as you please. It is very ok to follow a recipe to the letter, but do not be limited to it.

  8. Angela

    Wow. This was just amazing. I did not have time to marinate it for very long and no Yoghurt but still it wowed me. Thanks

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This is still one of my all time favorite recipes :)))) I am so happy you enjoyed it as well 🙂

  9. Dan

    I absolutely nailed this, even though I used beef and should have added more paste for more color. Best meal I ever made, and I’m a rookie learning the ropes

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so glad you enjoyed one of my all time favorite recipes :)) Beef was a perfect substitute. Do not worry about being a rookie, we all start from somewhere and we learn everyday :))

  10. Ladz

    now I have a reason to buy that goat meat being sold in my hood…

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Must try for sure!!!

  11. paul

    love your blog. very creative recipes. keep up the good work.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you so so much!

  12. Darrie

    I tried this and it was too lemony so to speak. Would have been nice without it. I used Halal yogurt and maybe that’s to blame also. I’ll give it a shot without the yogurt/lemon and see how it turns out next time. Too tangy for me today.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Always remember this: when you change and ingredient of a recipe or quantities, the results will not come out as I have described. You used a different yoghurt and I presume more lemon than necessary, that is why your meat was tangy. Next time, tone down the lemon or try the recipe with EXACT ingredients I used and EXACT quantities I used.

  13. Rachel Tess

    OMG, tried this jana and tasted just after boiling and I felt adding anything to it would ruin the flavour… cooked my ugali and was done! Kaluhi this recipe is a winner ???

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I know right!!!!! Sooooooo delicious even without frying! I am so glad you enjoyed one of my all time favorite recipes. :)))

  14. Dave

    Loving the receipes..shared the omena receip with mama n it has been on the menu every regrets.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      That is so fantastic to know!!! Pass a hug to mama on my behalf!

  15. Bet

    What can I use in place of tomato paste and royco?
    I react to both, causes heartburn and nausea.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Tough One… Remove the tomato paste completely, since finding a perfect substitute for that is kinda tough. As for royco, you can eliminate it too and use select spices that you like and you know will not give you nausea. Which spices do you not react to?

  16. gracie

    can i use mala instead of yogurt?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yes! That would be a perfect substitute!

  17. gracie

    hi, kaluhi thank you so much for the recipe. Just a quick question can i use mala in place of yogurt?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      yes you can use mala

  18. gracie

    thank you so much.

    • Miriam

      Hi Kaluhi , can I use any dark soy sauce?

      • Kaluhi


  19. Anna Njuguna

    Trying this again today.
    Last time was bomb

    • kaluhiskitchen

      And to many more trials!! Yummers!!!

  20. Christine

    Hi Karuhi, I love all your recipes, gives me a good feel of home. Was trying this recipe today but realized I do not have thyme. What else can I use as a substitute?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I would advise you to just wait until you have thyme. There is not other herb that has the same taste as thyme and that compliments goat meat as well as thyme does.

      Also, my name is KaLuhi :))

  21. ikevskie

    Best meat I’ve ever made! Finger licking stuff after following the procedure to the letter.(I used beef) However, I could have sworn you were tryna catch a vampire with all that garlic in the recipe:-D Keep up the good work:)

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOOOOOOOOOL!!! I Love lots of garlic. But who knows, maybe I am a vampire slayer too 😉 :DD. Thrilled you enjoyed this boo!


  22. Es

    I looooooved this. It was heavenly. Have you done any recipes on chicken, my hubby doesn’t eat red meat and I’d like such tasty recipes but chicken wise

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I have over 20 chicken recipes. Use the search tab to retrieve them :))) <3

  23. ISA

    I came across this recipe while looking for another of your great arts and this has made my day. You are gifted and thank you for sharing in on this and many more of your amazing recipes. May God continue to bless the work of your hands and may you inspire many more.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you so much for your warm words! <3

  24. Wangari

    Ooh yas! and Yas! I prepared this recipe yesterday, I loved it but, but wait for it, my guest loooooved it. I carried some for lunch today and half my office-mates are now hooked to your site. You are a light and love to my food-tionship (wink)

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You all all hooked on the right things lol!!! So happy you loved the recipe <3

  25. Doris

    Hi Kaluhi,

    I was wondering if you could post a picture here of the specific tin of the all spice mix you used for this recipe?


    • kaluhiskitchen

      Is it not already there?

  26. Joseph

    I love this….this recipe is Soo real that you can actually go crazy about it…….keep it up Chef

    • Kaluhi


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