Life. Love. Food

Thyme Habanero Matumbo

I have been toying with the idea of making another matumbo recipe for you guys! After the first one I made 3 years ago and seeing how you guys loved (and still do:)) that one, I though why not! After all, there are always more than one way to cook any particular dish. Now that it is cooler in Nairobi, my pallete usually gravitated to super rich, super savory meals. Naturally matumbo had to feature. I enjoyed putting together the flavors of this recipes and had so much fun making the video as well. Nothing compares to the sheer ecstasy of having my thyme habanero matumbo, together with you favorite traditional mboga (let’s be real, traditional veggies are better than everything else in the world!!) plus some hot ugali and mala!! The epitome of all things delicious and comforting! Everything can be delicious! Everything can be cooked in a beautiful way! And that includes matumbo!

Hope you love this recipe just as much as I did. <3

As always, I would recommend that you watch the video first :)). Do subscribe as well too <3


PREP TIME: 3 hrs    COOK TIME:  40 min       SERVES: 8

Matumbo Ingredients

1 large red onion, diced

1 large tomato, grated

A bunch of dania (both stems and leaves will be used)

2 kg of matumbo

½ a teaspoon of thyme

½ a teaspoon of habanero

1 tablespoon of rocyo

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

3 cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

½ a cup of plain yoghurt


Step one: Clean the matumbo. It is a messy job, but since we are not scared of anything, we do it like the troopers we are! #KNationRocks! Wash the matumbo until the water runs clear! Absolutely no residue. That is how you know it is clean and ready for the next step: boiling.

After the matumbo have boiled and are tender, set them aside. I often get asked, “How long should I boil matumbo for for them to be tender?” Well, you do not boil them until it is done,but you go further and boil it until it is tender. On a jiko, that will take 3-5 hours depending on your quantities. So stay alert and keep adding water. The longer you boil, the more tender it will become. If you have a pressure cooker, even better! It will take less time than a jiko but make sure you check from time to time so that they do not turn to shreds. If you have a slow cooker, an over night simmer will give you spectacularly tender matumbo.

In a sufuria, add the red onion, garlic, thyme, and dania stems and let them cook for about 5 minutes till the onions have softened and fragrant. I used dried thyme that I bought from tuskys at 60 bob a can, but fresh thyme would work just as well. Besides matumbo, thyme goes really well with mbuzi, lamb, and any pulse.

Add the tomatoes, tomato paste and the chilli. I used the yellow habanero chilli by Kez Organics since it pairs so so so well with matumbo and pretty much everything else. It is really potent as well, and a little goes a long way. It will last a long time.  Check out their page to see how you can get some for yourself too. If you are in a matumbo emergency i.e. you want to make it noooooooooooow and cannot wait for a delivery, fresh chillies from mama mboga will work just fine.

Once thickened, add the matumbo and mix in. At this point, you can add a bit of water according to the amount of soup you personally prefer to have in your matumbo. I like mine as a dry fry, so half a cup of hot water was sufficient.

Allow to simmer for about 10 minutes on high heat then add the plain yoghurt. The plain yoghurt makes the stew thick and also tempers the heat of the habanero chili. Simmer for another twenty minutes this time on low. Turn off the heat then add the dania leaves. Remember, it is always dania leaves at the end as your garnish and dania stems together with onions at the beginning.

And you are done!! <3 Nothing short of excellence!!!Can we make please please please make time and prepare this matumbo this coming weekend? Take some pics of your masterpiece and tag me <3. Let me know what you loved and which flavor notes stand out most for you. Share this matumbo recipe with your closest friends and family. Better yet, share this meal with them <3

To good food!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Sammy

    Very well executed! Love this and I’ll try it for sure!

    • kaluhiskitchen


      • Lavonna

        Hi kaluhi, i am becoming a great chef with your cooking. I have a question, Instead of kez chilli what else can I substitute ? I aint a chilli lover🙈

        • kaluhiskitchen

          Any other chili

  2. Debbie

    Can i add some rosemary and mint as well? You have inspired creativity in me!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Rosemary will work well. Do not add mint boo! <3

  3. Shiko_Mary

    You are the BEYONCÉ of food content creation in Kenya and we BOW DOWN!! Thank you for sharing your gift with us

    • kaluhiskitchen

      *flips hair like beyonce* Glad you enjoy everything <3

    • wendy

      True story!

      • kaluhiskitchen


  4. Liz mumbi

    Will definitely try it today your recipes are the best kudos👌

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Do let me know how each one goes <3

  5. Joan

    I love what am seeing, next time please teach us how to prepare omena. Thanks

    • kaluhiskitchen

      There is an omena recipe on the blog that has been there for two years now love! Do use the search tab to retrieve it.

  6. Wanjirumungai

    Trying this out tonight! Excited much💃🏽

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Do let me know how it goes! <3

  7. Elizabeth Wamugunda

    For one thing I have never liked the look of matumbo especially the intestines. But after watching this video I will try cooking them following the receipts. Thanks to you.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will ace it I am certain! <3

  8. Ascah

    I realy love matumbo and its good to realize i can still add yogurt and Rose mary

    • kaluhiskitchen

      <3 <3

  9. dannie

    Love matumbo very much,yummy.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  10. Lavonna

    Hi kaluhi, i am becoming a great chef with your cooking. I have a question, Instead of kez chilli what else can I substitute ? I aint a chilli lover🙈

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Normal chili

  11. wendy

    My sister and I are crazy about your cooking!!! your awards are well deserved!! Making matumbo tonight..mhhh….

    • kaluhiskitchen

      <3 <3

  12. Steve

    This underscores the stereotype of taking Matumbo. Indeed this is delicious and a creative recipe. Habanero Matumbo anytime.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Anything can indeed be made delicious, and for sure matumbo is one of them!!

  13. J

    Amazing work/art K!!!

    Quick question, doesn’t the boiling take the flavor away?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      no. Matumbo MUST ALWAYS be boiled before stewing

  14. Bocha

    Am drooling already, your recipes are slurpfests
    Now please do a creamed managu soon

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I will

  15. Emmah Adhiambo Omenda

    What Can I substitute for habanero?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Any other chili as indicated on the blog post

  16. Faith Githae

    I’m surely trying this tomorrow 😍😍. Your recipes never disappoint altho i don’t post my pics or comment am always up for the challenge.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      As long as you enjoy, that’s all i need to know <3. Thank you for always giving my recipes a go!

  17. Nyawira

    This recipe was sooo easy to follow…and the matumbo was delicious!!!!!😋😋

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Glad you enjoyed!!

  18. Julie

    Amazing trying it now.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  19. Liz

    Where can I buy matumbo

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Ask your butcher to source some for you

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