Life. Love. Food

Tomato and Ginger Soup

As we go through the final weeks of the cold season, no better way than to make the most of it than with some soups. I have recently grown to like soups because not only are they warming, but they make the perfect appetizer and are so nutritious.

During the unveiling of the new menu at Sarova Panafric’s Flame Tree Restaurant, one of the appetizers was tomato soup. This soup can be a bit tricky to make since it tends to get acidic but the one we had was phenomenal. I decided to recreate the same at home and liked it just as much. I am sure you will too :)).

tomato and ginger soup by kenyas best food blogger Kaluhi Adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_kenyan food blogs_soups for cold weather

Prep time: 5 mins       Cook time: 20 mins       Serves: 2


tomato soup ingredients by kaluhi adagala of KALUHISKITCHEN.COM_KENYAN FOOD BLOGGER

Vegetable oil

2 red onion, finely diced

thumb sized ginger root, finely diced

¼ teaspoon of dried basil

½ a teaspoon of white pepper

6 small ripe tomatoes

Salt to taste



Add 1 to 2 tablespoon of olive oil to a heated soup pan and fry the  onion, ginger together with the basil and white pepper. Allow this to simmer until the onions become soft. You can get some basil in any supermarket from various brands in the spice section, and it is pretty pocket friendly too.

onion, ginger and basil for tomato and ginger soup. sautee the onions until they are soft_kenyan food bloggers

Soak your tomatoes in boiling hot water for about 5 minutes. This loosens the skin.



Peel the skin off the tomatoes and add them to the sufuria.

tomatoes that have been soaked inhot water allow their sking to peel off alot easier and softens them too_kenyan food blogs

Mash them  up and add a cup of hot water. Mix everything up and cover with a lid. Let this simmer for about 10-15 minutes.

Remove from the heat and pop into a blender. Blitz it for about a minute.

blending the tomato reduction results in a soup with smoother consistency and a taste of all the ingredients

Sieve the tomato soup them  laddle into bowls.

sieving of the tomato soup removes the chunks and seeds that may not have been crushed during the blending process of the tomato soup.

Garnish with fresh coriander or some coconut cream or heavy cream as we did here.

www.kaluhiskitchen.com_kenyan food blogs_top kenyan food blog_tomato and ginger soup is not only nutiritious but very fulling and healthy

Why does tomato soup turn orange? I have no idea yet. But one things for sure, this is the perfect partner to keep you company on a cold day.

kenyan food blogs_kaluhiskitchen.com_tomato and ginger soup

Keep warm.


Download the full recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. Kidavi Imali

    Tomato and Ginger soup…. A wonderful way to keep the cold at bay. Nice one Kaluhi.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This soup is so August! I am gonna make some this afternoon to warm me up…hope you do too :)) :))

  2. prissy fan of your work…and have tried afew recipes..however i just wanted to know if its okay to share your recipes when people ask for the recipes when i have posted in some cooking groups ..thanks

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hi Priss

      Thank you for asking the question. If you try my recipe and post it in a cooking group, DO NOT in any way claim it is your recipe. I don’t know if you have seen that my work is copy right protected. If you have to say where the recipe came from, simply post a link from where you got it from my blog. DO NOT type the recipe word for word in the comment section. That will be breaching the copyright I have placed on my work. If someone asks for the recipe, direct them to the blog.

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